Australian Rolling Stock


I recently got TRS2022 and an FCT. I'm just wondering if there are any good locomotive or even passenger carriages. Also known as rolling stock for the game. I don't mind if there is steam, diesel or electric stuff. I would like them to test out on the fantastic routes from here.
All of those routes excluding the payware routes! Are all on the DLS.
In regards, to rolling stock, there's too many too name every one of them

I use keywords like
NSW, New South Wales, NSWGR, CityRail, Countrylink, XPT, Xplorer, National Rail, SCT, SAR, V/Line, vline, QDR, QR, QLD, Queensland, WAGR, Westrail
and more. I also search by username if I know that user's username, example Davido, lesley, barisbeer and more 'much more'
Another note:

You can't test out any payware routes required by some freeware routes. The some of those routes do come with TRS22, go to Content Store | Purchased tab and install those then figure out what you need to purchase, not now but later on such as Steam Sale 'next Steam Sale is in July'. Pretty much all major US holidays, is the days you need to look out for, remember Australia is one day ahead :)
My most beloved and stunningly detailed collection of free locomotives. Just enter the name of the author CBH010bj in the search on the DLS.
This is almost a complete list of those that I keep forever. All trainz-build 4.6:

<kuid:835783:100914> PN 92 Class 09+
<kuid:835783:101040> PN 93 Class 13+ (RUOK? 9318)
<kuid:835783:101037> PN 93 Class 12+ (T1, Clean)
<kuid:835783:100832> Aurizon Q class 15+
<kuid:835783:100873> ARG Q class 10+ (Orange)
<kuid:835783:100834> ARG Q class 10+
<kuid:835783:100835> ARG Q class 08+ (Ex Westrail)
<kuid:835783:100875> ARG Q class 06+ (Orange)
<kuid:835783:101028> Westrail Q class 98+
<kuid2:835783:100806:1> PN V544 07+
<kuid2:835783:100808:1> OneRail V544 21+
<kuid2:835783:100815:1> GWA FQ 16+
<kuid2:835783:100816:1> FreightLink FQ 02+
<kuid2:835783:100645:1> FA V544 00+
<kuid:835783:101027> AWR Q class 02+ (Yellow)
<kuid:835783:101004> AWR Q class 02+ (Orange)
<kuid:835783:100831> Aurizon Q class 18+
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All of those routes excluding the payware routes! Are all on the DLS.
In regards, to rolling stock, there's too many too name every one of them

I use keywords like
NSW, New South Wales, NSWGR, CityRail, Countrylink, XPT, Xplorer, National Rail, SCT, SAR, V/Line, vline, QDR, QR, QLD, Queensland, WAGR, Westrail
and more. I also search by username if I know that user's username, example Davido, lesley, barisbeer and more 'much more'
Unfortunately TRS2022 doesn't search by user name and requires me to use their ID.
My most beloved and stunningly detailed collection of free locomotives. Just enter the name of the author CBH010bj in the search on the DLS.
This is almost a complete list of those that I keep forever:

<kuid:835783:100914> PN 92 Class 09+
<kuid:835783:101040> PN 93 Class 13+ (RUOK? 9318)
<kuid:835783:101037> PN 93 Class 12+ (T1, Clean)
<kuid:835783:100832> Aurizon Q class 15+
<kuid:835783:100873> ARG Q class 10+ (Orange)
<kuid:835783:100834> ARG Q class 10+
<kuid:835783:100835> ARG Q class 08+ (Ex Westrail)
<kuid:835783:100875> ARG Q class 06+ (Orange)
<kuid:835783:101028> Westrail Q class 98+
<kuid2:835783:100806:1> PN V544 07+
<kuid2:835783:100808:1> OneRail V544 21+
<kuid2:835783:100815:1> GWA FQ 16+
<kuid2:835783:100816:1> FreightLink FQ 02+
<kuid2:835783:100645:1> FA V544 00+
<kuid:835783:101027> AWR Q class 02+ (Yellow)
<kuid:835783:101004> AWR Q class 02+ (Orange)
<kuid:835783:100831> Aurizon Q class 18+
Thank You I've started to download a few of these.
don't forget the updated versions of these with Start Stop function by Vovven47

PN 90 21+ Start Stop
FR 90 92+ Start Stop
FC 90 96+ Start Stop
PN 90 22+ Bulk Start Stop
PN 90 22+ Start Stop

Very handy if you want a few sitting dead in loco or repair yards

For anyone else interested

There are some really EXCELLENT QR, TGR and VR 2ft / 2ft 6in rolling stock available at the link below

NOTE: These are payware, prices are in AUD 'Australian dollars'
I'm surprised that nobody hasn't really made any announcement regarding these models or even posted a link. It's the first time I've ever knew about them!
Please note:
All of 'Davido' content displayed above is available but no longer supported by N3V. You are on your own below build version 3.5 last I checked.

Welcome to living in fear of the next 'Patch/Upgrade'.
Please note:
All of 'Davido' content displayed above is available but no longer supported by N3V. You are on your own below build version 3.5 last I checked.

Welcome to living in fear of the next 'Patch/Upgrade'.
I have checked Davido's content that I have installed and everything seems to be working as they should in TRS22PE 126295 'Steam'