Assets failing to load


New member
I am running trainz12 updated to build 61388 and have the settle/Carlisle map. I have noticed recently that three of Paul Hobbs assets are not loading. These are 2 RCH 14T class A tankers (Regent) and (National) and the RCH express milk tanker. Is anyone else having these errors? Content Manager tells me they are free from errors yet they don't show in surveyor, driver or railyard.
Content Manager tells me they are free from errors yet they don't show in surveyor, driver or railyard.

Do you mean
RCH 14T Class A Tanker (Regent),<kuid2:44090:15097:40>
RCH 14t Milk Tanker Express Dairys,<kuid2:44090:15089:40>

The usual reason for failing to display in the surveyor list is that one of the components is faulty, often a bogey, but for these assets it could be one of a number of others such as enginespec or a library. You should look at the dependencies for these assets and see if there have been any recent updates - it may be that you need to revert to an earlier version of that dependency. You can also check a dependency by checking whether other assets that list it as a dependency work or not - that should be effective for most of them. For some others you can substitute an alternative and see if that makes a difference, but that can be a slow process.

To list the dependencies you may need to clone the assets first.
Thank you for the reply. I have looked at the dependencies for these three assets and they do not show as having any faults. A scenario on the settle/Carlisle map cannot run because it involves shunting the milk tankers. Also on the Ribblehead scenario a Fowler 4f is waiting in a siding with only 1 esso tanker and I know this should be a full train of tankers. These assets are also shown as 'built in' in content manager.
Thank you for the reply. I have looked at the dependencies for these three assets and they do not show as having any faults.

The dependencies don't show as faulty - if they did, then the locos would show with faulty dependencies and the problem would be obvious. If a dependency is the problem (and it's only one several possibilities) then you have to hunt the problem down using the procedures I described.
Then you need the update from the site. That should fix your problems.

Here's what the update's description says:

RCH 14T Tankers

These are updates for the RCH 14T tankers. This resolves a problem with the tankers not showing for users of the Settle & Carlisle route.

Thanks for that Chris. Yes I was aware of this update and I did install it. Sad to say it did not cure the problem. I also checked each assets dependencies and could not find any with faults.
Okay Guys. Thank you so much for your input. It looks like the problem was caused by the Potteries line. Under Wagons on their website is a CDP for the offending wagons in trainz12 and loading these into the content manager seems to have solved the problem. Once again thanks to all. Hope this thread helps other users.