Ardennes Summer Lake Track : Missing dependancies


New member
Hi, everybody, I'm new in Trainz, and particularily in TMR2017. So, I didn't know where to begin. I did my best to read and search and surf.... I have not been able to download the missing dependancies for several layouts and/or sessions : they were not on the server, could'nt be loaded in the file, too old version or what ever.... So. One layout after the other, I search. How can I find the tracks I can't see in the Ardennes(...) layout, or evenly how can I replace them by another sort of tracks ?
Thanks for your time to answer.
Best regards
Hey! Welcome to Trainz. I know I am not the most qualified person to say this, because I have asked for missing dependancies. There are 2 websites online that allow you to find content and stuff that you may be missing in your routes. The first one is the Auran Download Station. The second site is the kuid searcher.
Just type in the missing kuids in the searcher (you will need to create an account for security reasons) and you will be able to go directly to the site that holds your missing dependancies.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for, but this is all I have. I'm sure a more experienced user will reply here and give you a more in depth answer.
Please enjoy your Trainz journey.

-Cuban Pete
Hi. Thanks for your answer. the site "" forms are out of order, because of malicious attack. I'll try later this option.
Thanks once more for your help.

Hey! Welcome to Trainz. I know I am not the most qualified person to say this, because I have asked for missing dependancies. There are 2 websites online that allow you to find content and stuff that you may be missing in your routes. The first one is the Auran Download Station. The second site is the kuid searcher.
Just type in the missing kuids in the searcher (you will need to create an account for security reasons) and you will be able to go directly to the site that holds your missing dependancies.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for, but this is all I have. I'm sure a more experienced user will reply here and give you a more in depth answer.
Please enjoy your Trainz journey.

-Cuban Pete
Hi, you will have missing dependencies which are built in to TANE but not in TMR17. Some of the built in assets are not shared between the games.
Hi, you will have missing dependencies which are built in to TANE but not in TMR17. Some of the built in assets are not shared between the games.

As I wrote before, I'm new in TMR2017, and other past versions of trainz. So... what do I have to "patent" for a route to work with the good assets and/or scripts ?
Another example : "Trainz Model Railway Layout" includes a <kuid2:61392:7005:19>. After a few searchs (in fact, TKI site re-works fine) it appears that it is supposed to be on (TS12 (release reference : version 3.7, service pack SP1, build 58414).
The closest reference I can find on DLS is <KUID2:61392:7005:26> which is Type: Driver Command | Version: TS2009 SP4/TS2010 . Will it work ?