Any other way to printscreen in Trainz?


Wonderfully Old Fashioned
Sorry to barge in with a small topic, but Fraps does not open anymore and the Printscreen key brings up a black screen.
Any other bright ideas? :confused:
Are you running Windows 7 and up?

There's the Microsoft Snipping Tool.

You start that program with Trainz running windowed mode.

Select your Trainz screen using the window-selection tool.

Save the file.

It's great for capturing small sections, dialog boxes and so on.

One final question.. what resolution should I use?
Using 1024x768 gives the screen(windowed only) a fuzzy appearance.

Use your system resolution, whatever that is, but run in a window. You'll have the window border, but the Trainz app window can be stretched out to the full screen size. This will give you access to the tools and other applications at the same time.
Not sure if I'm missing something here, but don't the later versions of Trainz (at least TS2009 and later) save a copy of the screenshot in the UserData/screenshots folder (or in the case of T:ANE, the T:ANE UserData/screenshots folder?

Not sure if I'm missing something here, but don't the later versions of Trainz (at least TS2009 and later) save a copy of the screenshot in the UserData/screenshots folder (or in the case of T:ANE, the T:ANE UserData/screenshots folder?


They do... I don't know why he asked for this; I just provided the means. :)

I know what you mean - hopefully the OP will check that folder as well (incidentally I've just been answering another question from the same user in another thread)

Well how about that, I didn't know it saved screenshots to it's own folder! So I don't need any software? Fantastic! :clap::Y::clap: