American Intermodal: no Trains


Active member
I did it again, bought a route that is strictly for 2012.
The last one, this was the only one I did not have.

Downloaded everything.
Everything is OK.
No missing things, no red faulty things.
All rolling stock is complete, I can see and rotate them in CM.
And all rolling stock is in the rolling stock menue in surveyor.
I can place them all manually.

But... when I start the Base Session, there is not even one rolling stock on the map.
Only the trucks are driving the correct way and I have the two yellow container cranes ready for use.

Waited 15 minutes, maybe they were late, nothing happens, no trains.

If I read the session.txt there should be lots active trains loaded.

I read some other topics and know that some people have this thing running in tane without a problem.
I didn't see any same problem like mine.

Not one "open for edit". Double checked.
Did a database repair. No difference.

Or is the this Base Session just as it is: a simply Base Session where you have to put the rolling stock on track yourself.
If so, why are they called in the session.txt

What could be wrong?
Maybe someone who has this running in Tane knows?

Ok, no problem.

Made a consist, loaded with 40ft standard containers like the manual says.
Driver command: drive to loading area 2.
All green arrows heading the same way. Consist, cranes, trucks etc.
Train stops at the end, no activity.

Put a driver in the yellow cranes (which is not visable in the cabine).
Still no crane activity.
Commands "Auto pilot" or "drive" make the crane go forward, stops at the end and won't start loading the the trucks.

Manual says: when train arrives between the two yellow cones all is automated with no further action from me.


I found this in another thread.

The train has to park over the industry trigger and in between the end points of the loading area - obviously the crane can not travel outside of this area. there are no other requirements to begin either the load or unload process. if you do not stop the train with some part of it over the trigger then the industry cannot being the process. you want to bring up your message window and see if it notifies you that it will being loading/unloading in one minute. in the meantime, the locomotives can be cut from the train or other operations performed, but the train that caused the trigger must remain contacting the trigger in some way. once the process starts the industry will lock the train from further control (the hud for controls will go away).

Now why is this not mentioned in the manual, because it's so important that the train stops over the middle trigger.

My train was just too short when it has stopped at the END of the loading area which happens if you give command "drive to".

All is working now.
And all is working in my Tane.
Ok, except for the trees, had to delete them out of the route.
And only ONE repair was needed for the caboose due a missing texture.
Made a new texture and the caboose was happy again.

Thanks for another wonderful JR Route in T:ANE of which they say is ONLY for 2012.

Next please...


Very happy!
We all had to go through that fun of finding out.
AI is a really great asset. I actually have one setup that handles very long trains (50 cars plus).
I set up a number of cranes in their own sections, with a space between as happens in real life.
When the train pulls in I break it up to fit in each section. It means a bit more work as trucks have to be allocated to each section, on their own individual tracks.
But the effort is worth it to see a train handled just like real life.
I also use modified unload areas with visible stacks. I had to modify them to take the JR Containers. I also run the trucks in a loop instead of using portals. I got the asset from and it is called "Vykladka kontejneru 40t" <kuid:147360:26013>.
You just need to change the config to handle the containers you want to stack. There are a number of different units for other products as well available.