Ai Derail


choo choo twain!
I have 3 trains passing with a junction between two of them as for the two are on a mainline going through the junction while the third one is waiting for the last of the two pass it seems that the two trains that are passing through derail consistently with the last 2-4 cars?
There are a few causes for this.

One is a longtime bug where certain long cars get derailed because another driver flips the junction lever.

Two it's due to the junction resetting in the middle of the train crossing the points and is probably related to One.

Three... Signaling. Ensure the junctions are signaled.

Even though there was another thread on the JR signals, and signaling, you may want to look at this here.

The information is a bit dated, however, the principals are the same as they were when this was first written.
How could I fix this?

Check your signaling first see if that works. If not check your consists, perhaps shorter trains too and then see if that works. It's part of the testing/breaking process of troubleshooting a problem. ;)

theyre was a asset that did that also xover junction kit or something similar?

Yup. I thought they were great because they work like they're supposed to when you don't have a lot of extra AI running around. The problem is when you have lots of AI they start flipping the switches. The rule and setup ignores all other trains running and changes things unexpectedly on the other drivers.

I seem to recall that on class one RR's that once a switch/junction/interlocking was cleared by the other traffic, there was a 90 second delay before the points would move and the signal would clear. I don't know if this applies to all class one RR's, if it was/is a company policy or FRA policy.

It would be nice for the user in Trainz to be able to set a delay so the switches and signals don't change the second the traffic clears. 90 seconds is a bit long for in game, but maybe 2 to 8 seconds with the user able to over ride the time lock by clicking on the switch.

I seem to recall that on class one RR's that once a switch/junction/interlocking was cleared by the other traffic, there was a 90 second delay before the points would move and the signal would clear. I don't know if this applies to all class one RR's, if it was/is a company policy or FRA policy.

It would be nice for the user in Trainz to be able to set a delay so the switches and signals don't change the second the traffic clears. 90 seconds is a bit long for in game, but maybe 2 to 8 seconds with the user able to over ride the time lock by clicking on the switch.


There is also another option to control your junctions, which I've found useful on busy areas. That is to use a 'Driver Command' to control the junction until the train passes over a 'track-mark' or a 'trigger', which in turn allows the 2nd train to take over the junction. Or, use another Driver Command to "Control Junction" followed after a suitable time frame to "Free Junction" or "Release Junction". Personally, I prefer to set up 'triggers' to only allow the train to advance once a 'nominated train' or 'any train' passes over a set trigger.
