Adjusting catanery height on embankments


New member
Hi all, I wondered if the experienced layout creators who have electrified routes could help a pure novice like me please. I need to add some double track catanery on top of an embankment, putting it on level ground is relatively straight forward, but how do you adjust the height please? as there is no height adjuster in surveyor for spline stuff, etc.

Thankz. ex-railwayman.


have you tried placing it on top of the embankments, if trs won't let you try holding the shift key while placing the points. (a combination of shifted points and unshifted ones, practice, sould work) you can also go under the advanced tab and manually adjust the height.

as there is no height adjuster in surveyor for spline stuff, etc.
Sure there is, go down to the advanced tab and use the height adjustment tool, or type in the height you want and click on the spline points.
Thankz a lot guys for your replies, it's all to do with a bit of patience and a lot of skill that I probably don't have at the moment...but I'll keep trying.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.