ACL Font


Train Veteran
I am not sure if this is the right spot for this. I am looking for the correct font or the name for Atlantic coast line i have been beating myself up trying to find this fonts any help would be gladly appreciated
The ACL used a couple different typefaces, do you have an image of the one you're trying to find?
The type face is Eurostile Extended or Eurostile Extended 2. I was unable to find free versions which means this type family is still under copyright.
I've never had any issues with Fontyukle. Been using it for like 15 years now.

That is good to know. Thank you very much, Dave. I'll pass this on to my brother. One of his customers ended up with an infected computer due to malware being embedded into a font she downloaded. Since then, he's been very paranoid about sites and I am naturally paranoid too because I'm the one that needs to clean up the mess.
@davesnow > Yeah, a Reddit post with no empirical data is not the best place to find info on a particular website, security-wise. ☺️

These are better: No malicious reports.

Google Browsing result > Google Browsing
Sucuri sitecheck >
Whois query >
Sitechecker >
@davesnow > Yeah, a Reddit post with no empirical data is not the best place to find info on a particular website, security-wise. ☺️

These are better: No malicious reports.

Google Browsing result > Google Browsing
Sucuri sitecheck >
Whois query >
Sitechecker >
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EDIT: They still say fontyukle is safe to use.