A triple and a triple double...


Whos on First?
A was viewing a website with some photos. I first dismissed this photo as a photoshop. But a quick google search revealed it to be real.
This what I call the "Richmond Triple". This is the only know place in the USA with 3 active Class 1 railroad bridges stacked one over the other.
I personally think this photo was a "staged" photo. I would think the chances of catching all three trains on the bridges as they are would be slim.

The second is something I found while looking around Google maps. This time it was Chicago Il.
It is a triple track and a dual track diamond crossing.

Just some unusual stuff I found.

That second shot is directly in the center of my trip to work everyday.

You work too? Kudos, Ed! I thought you were retired or something....... You put out a lot of stuff to be doing it all around work as well! Way to go, and (can't say it enough) thanks for everything!! :D
Yes, I am one of the half of the people in the country still working, and not receiving any money from the government. Thank you!

If you look at your Google Map view, scroll up to the right along the train. There's a diamond crossing on a bridge over the highway.


Thanks for posting these.

Yes, I am one of the half of the people in the country still working, and not receiving any money from the government. Thank you!

Eh, I am almost in the same boat, I work 5 days a week (Shift work), but get a VA payment .........

If you look at your Google Map view, scroll up to the right along the train. There's a diamond crossing on a bridge over the highway.


Thanks for posting these.


Thanks, I completely missed that. In fact if you zoom out you get a triangle of diamond crossings. So cool.
I wonder how many places in america may have a "triangle" of diamond crossing?
The second is something I found while looking around Google maps. This time it was Chicago Il.
It is a triple track and a dual track diamond crossing.

How do you get these map sites to display the name of the owner of a rail line? They used to do it but lately I go to Google or Mapquest and I don't see the labels.

VA, while I earned some I just cannot take it for 2 reasons:
1 - The method it was offered was strange to me.
2 - After reading a story of a local vet, I would have to be on life support before using it.
That's just me, not judging anyone else.
My wife and I were both in the military and when we finally went down and signed up for medical benefits we found out while we were eligible for benifits we couldn't actually get any because we made too much money. That seems to be a bunch of hogwash to me. It should not be how much you make - rather it should be about the fact you served honorably in the military to defend your country. My wife for about a year and a half. Me for not quite ten years.

I agree Ben, and not just because I was in for 2 tours as well. This "making too much money" puts a lot of us in a bad place, especially when 1/3 of the income goes to child support and I still have to pay taxes on it. You can get into a situation like that, and make too much money for any benefit while you slowly starve to death!

Back on subject; they've recently built (over the past few years) a couple of tall condo buildings just Northeast of the diamond crossing on the bridge. I've often thought of how great it would be to live on the upper floors with a patio facing the bridge, but...they are quite pricey, too rich for my blood!
Thanks, I completely missed that. In fact if you zoom out you get a triangle of diamond crossings. So cool.
I wonder how many places in america may have a "triangle" of diamond crossing?

That's cool. I'll have to check that out.

I've driven through this area a very long time ago. I did some field service work for a company I used to work for and traveled daily for a 2 weeks to Mount Prospect from Arlington Heights. I was in "train heaven" while I was there. My hotel room faced the then CNW main line and I watched the commuter and freight trains all night.

Gonna bump my own thread. Chicago must like Diamond crossings.
I found these in the Chicago area as well. This time it is double track diamond. But if you follow the track to the northwest (across the canal's) there is another double track diamond crossing.
I followed the tracks to norhteast on the map. Guess what.
Another set of double track diamond crossings. The tracks go under the bridge, yet another set.
What is up with this? does somebody like headaches?:)
This what I call the "Richmond Triple". This is the only know place in the USA with 3 active Class 1 railroad bridges stacked one over the other.
I personally think this photo was a "staged" photo. I would think the chances of catching all three trains on the bridges as they are would be slim.

Photos have been staged at that location for a long time now. About one-hundred years in fact...

The photo below is from 1913 article of the triple overpass in Richmond. Click to go to larger version of the image.

I like this article for two reasons. Firstly, you have to like the idea of a magazine called "Railway and Locomotive Engineering: A Practical Journal of Motive Power, Rolling Stock and Appliances". I wouldn't mind a subscription to that.

Secondly, they say, "The constructing engineers had in their minds the ever increasing weight of locomotives and rolling stock, and the triple crossing will be a lasting monument to their ability for many generations to come." How true!

Chicago has tons of crossings some kewl ones on the southside at 135st in Blue Island you ll find GTW,IHB,BOCT and follow the ihb east of blue island yard you had a amazing one CEI,PRR,BOCT,IHB in a hell of a arrangement.........