A Tribute to andi06


I thought it would be a nice tribute for members to show how they have used the assets made by andi06.
Here is my starter contribution.
I am constructing a route in TS12 and am just in the proces of putting together a loco depot, an ideal location to show his WD 2-8-0 loco.

Here is andi's WD austerity loco on the shed apron.
The sound that this loco makes when moving is brilliant, reminds me so much of my trainspotting days,

Thank you andi06.


So come on folks show appreciation for him, let's see what you have used andi's assets for.
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Nice idea, will try and find something suitable to post when I'm on my Trainz PC. Andi was always a gentleman and he will be sadly missed.

Chris M
I didn't know Andi was dead... :( What a great idea this thread is though.. :)

That reminds me, I have this remarkable shot!
Aplogizes for it being so large. This is an A4 Repaint by the way and is private.(My own repaint) The coaches are Andi06's LNER coaches in one of several liveries. :)
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This thread is a very good idea - we should pay tribute to one of the most important and influential Trainz personages.

Here's his WD loco on my Much Murkle route:

And here are his GWR Collett coaches on the Ashburton-Windrush route - I was using the textures from these only the other day as a base for some reskin work I'm currently engaged with.


However, I think Andi's biggest impact was around his scripting. Now, how to depict that?

A great concept for a thread.

For my money, Andi06's greatest and most influential contribution was his content repair/editing program, AssetX. Again it's not something I can capture in a screenshot, but this tool has been vital. I've used it on tens of thousands of assets and it saved me as many hours of manual work. Now that he is no longer with us, I do wonder what will become of our beloved AssetX.
A great concept for a thread.

For my money, Andi06's greatest and most influential contribution was his content repair/editing program, AssetX. Again it's not something I can capture in a screenshot, but this tool has been vital. I've used it on tens of thousands of assets and it saved me as many hours of manual work. Now that he is no longer with us, I do wonder what will become of our beloved AssetX.

Deane, I'm sure Andi would have been chuffed by comments like yours.

I have already been contacted by his family re the future of this wonderful creation.

As I was a contributor to the AssetX project I will attempt to keep it going and updated where possible. I have the code for the release that you would have, but Andi made one more significant change to it after that. I hope to get that code in due course.

I propose to release that latest one soon.. as, I alone, have that version which I have been using now for about 6 weeks.

I will post in the AssetX FAQ thread when we finalize how to do all this.
Hello from France,

I also use andi's assets and thank him a lot for his great content...

A WIP route :

Bests regards, Marc
I too would like to pay my respects to andi and say how much I appreciate the help he gave me as a novice rolling stock creator when he kindly modified his bogeys with corridor connection for use on my non-corridor coaches. A generous and helpful gentleman.

R.I.P. Andi. Many thanks for your work.

R.I.P. Andi. Many thanks for your work. Here is my small offering, Andi's Gresley Quad-Arts on their longtime "hunting grounds" at Kings Cross after exiting "the drain". Hauled by an N2. This was a pairing that lasted many years and Andi's work helps recapture it.

Thank you Andi for your work:


A Metropolitan Bo Bo No12 Sarah Siddons hauling a Gresley Quad Art set out of Potters Bar. All the rolling stock and loco is Andi's work and all superb.

Thank you,

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Andi himself would be proud of that screenshot! It's so romantic and beautiful... :D

What route is that? :D (I often ask that question.. :hehe:)
Andi for me will be missed not only for the great assets that he created, but also for the underlying work he has done in both scripting and helping to push Tane forward. These 3 area's he leaves in my view a great legacy, one that will live on in Trainz for many years, in both the obvious great content, but also the under bonnet scripts and improvements that he pushed hard for. Personally I'm greatful for the time Andi took with me to help me get to grip with creating Tane compatible content. Thank you Andi, you'll be missed.


Andi's WD and Gresley coaches showcased under his station kit. Interactive platforms of his are included and used in this scene. The way Tane on full details brings out this content is brilliant.


Andi's station kit in wider view. These ease to set this up and create a great scene is testament to his work.
An arrangement of Andi's excellent animated turnouts along with his GWR Collet 57' corridor carriages.


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Nice shots everyone. :) For the record Naw, you don't need to keep the IMG part of the post if you upload images here with hostthenpost.
Andi for me will be missed not only for the great assets that he created, but also for the underlying work he has done in both scripting and helping to push Tane forward. These 3 area's he leaves in my view a great legacy, one that will live on in Trainz for many years, in both the obvious great content, but also the under bonnet scripts and improvements that he pushed hard for. Personally I'm greatful for the time Andi took with me to help me get to grip with creating Tane compatible content. Thank you Andi, you'll be missed.

Good to see you posting Rob. Those screenshots are a brilliant depiction of Andi's station kit (and show TANE in a pretty good light as well).
