A simple CMP question


New member
I'm a very new user of Trainz 2006.

I noticed that when I launch the CMP program, it automatically goes online and connects to the Auran website. That makes sense if you are planning to download/upload, but if you want to perform other tasks related to your local assests, it seems unnecessary.

So, my question is: Do you HAVE to be logged into the Auran Website in order to use the CMP program?

I'm running Trainz 2006 from a portable computer, and don't always have internet access. I may want to run CMP sometime when I can't get online... how do I do that - or will it be impossible?

Simple answer to a simple question....

You do not need to wait for CMP to connect.

When you start CMP, just click the ESC key, and CMP will start without connecting.

Hope this helps,
speaking of cmp how long does it take to build the database when it starts? lately all it wants to do is build it after 2+ hours i give up, that when i can even get it to run that is. any ideas?
You do not need to wait for CMP to connect.

When you start CMP, just click the ESC key, and CMP will start without connecting.

Hope this helps,
I have never heard of a "A simple CMP" question :p :p :D

I have never known about the Esc Key answer either, many thanks Ron.
