A few pics from Trainz of Chicago project., note large image files.


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These are a few shots of repainted units for this layout.

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Dave =)
Mainly southside and west outer main lines (IHB-BRC) to Proviso and bensenville....
Its not a to scale layout but all lines and yards are featured in a break down format.... The CR&I s CJ and stockyards are heavily covered also...

Dave =)
Nice dude! You should have atleast 1 mainline go west. Just saying. But it would be really cool. Like the UP Geneva sub or something. This is gonna be a definate download for me.
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Nice work on the route and skins:) you probably will want to change out that track in the yard for something lower poly though. i would reccomend MP wood or one of the HOTrainz tracks, on the DLS under the Username delsoft.

Well thnx I just spent last hour here at work replying and explaining the layout and operations etc and click it timed me out and lost it ugh!

What I will do later and post a link for a webpage that will cover more of
this soon...

and thnx Niko have to look that up on the lower poly track s hope they look as good as the track now......

Dave =)
A couple more shots GMO local interchanging cars at INRR s Central Park switch yard and picking up cars at CR&I s Ashland yard..

The era I am into is the 70 s....
But as far as era goes any should be good the modern would be basically same main lines and as far as goin north it sghould not be a problem to add on to it to do so I have main lines ending in portals for future expansion....

Milwuakee would be a great modeling project especially the old Milwuakee road beer line...
I got stored away somewhere a book kalmbach did on a modeling project of that line....
Basically for now I have all track layed just now at the time consuming
scenery planning and testing plus configuring a lotta industry into lars...
Since this is a heavy switching layout I have had 12 trains and about 250 cars runnin at one time with out loosing to much frame rate...

Dave =)