because of problems with the 2006 CMP I have done a clean reinstall.I now wish to use TC on the same computer.Will there be any problems between the two CMP's?
I have TRS2006 and TC in the same PC and in the same HD.
The TRS2006 instalation is in one folder named TRS2006 under the Auran directory, and TC in into another folder named TC unde the same Auran directory.
There aren't any problem with the two instalation together.
Well, when you launch the TC CMP, after the DS donwloads are thru the same TC CMP, if you wish to DS donwloads thru TRS2006 CMP, you need before of that, launch the TRS2006 CMP.
Best Regards
PS: In one moment for my Trainz life, I had installed TRS2004 SP4 (Spanish version), TRS2006 SP1 (English version) and TC (English version) together in the same PC, in the same HD and all of three works fine, and donwload content fine too thru DS page.