Hi Ian No general problems with layouts but sessions can be a problem Restmorel Castle for example was produced in TRS04, tested by 06 users and is now available from Auran on the add on disk available from the shop A forum search will give you an insight into the problems with sessions and scenarios You can't use 06 material in 04 Regards Bob V
Routes for 2004 will usually come in the form of an '.exe' file that will install to a specified folder. Go ahead and follow this procedure... I find it easiest to install them to a temporary folder on my desktop.
From the Content Manager; choose 'Import Content' from the file menu and direct the operation to the temporary folder mentioned above.
I've only just graduated to TRS2006, and I'm trying to download a route via the dowownload helper. I keeps asking for my ID, but when I go to the settings\miscellaneous tab, it won't let me type anything in. I'm registered and have a 3 month 1st class ticket.
There's something more I should be doing, but I don't know what it is?
just wait i have the same prob. wen goin to download dont just exit if no work just hit download agian then start then to trainz then driver then drive away ....
i just got carryed away shh...lol
I've only just graduated to TRS2006, and I'm trying to download a route via the dowownload helper. I keeps asking for my ID, but when I go to the settings\miscellaneous tab, it won't let me type anything in. I'm registered and have a 3 month 1st class ticket.
There's something more I should be doing, but I don't know what it is?
That is what I mean. Despite reading the instructions in the manual, and on the website, my poor little brain refuses to make it clear to me as to what I should be doing in order to download.
Routes for 2004 will usually come in the form of an '.exe' file that will install to a specified folder. Go ahead and follow this procedure... I find it easiest to install them to a temporary folder on my desktop.
From the Content Manager; choose 'Import Content' from the file menu and direct the operation to the temporary folder mentioned above.
Yep, you are correct. The only files that actually give you trouble in 06 are the ones with illegal characters. CMP won't download the file. Gerd's old wagons were a problem until Smiley helped me with editing the .im files. ATSF#4 & #5 depots are the only ones I can't fix yet.