Recent content by illinoiscentral

  1. I

    TS22 Update Madness

    Long time, no talk, everyone... 22 updated itself since I have Steam. Now you can't load double stack intermodal cars and can't place lineside objects on any of JointedRail's RTXT tracks. I am not surprised, as this is typical of a Trainz update to totally sabotage the game and fix what wasn't...
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    Seeking Good Nature/Background Sounds

    Hello all, Just wondering if anyone knows of any good sound "objects" you can insert on your routes? I know years ago in TRS2006 we had those yellow tower pods that were invisible in driver mode that made bird, highway, traffic, dog barking, etc sounds that could fill up your background noise a...
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    Preserving Local Folder

    Hello all, I am looking to uninstall a damaged copy of TS10 and replace it. Not wanting to lose the local folder though. I have copied the items into a blank folder on the computer. A simple copy and paste of the Hash folders and a 20-or so minute transfer of items into the new folder. They were...
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    Rathole. Norfolk Southern's CNO&TP Second District.

    Hello all, Over the years I have slowly been working on a simulation of my local rail line, Southern Railway's famed "Rathole" now operated by Norfolk Southern. The railroad is rich in history, built in 1877 by the City of Cincinnati, Ohio to save the city from falling economically behind...
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    Still Seeking a Solution for Hidden Layers Issue

    Hi All, Its been several weeks now and I still can not use Trainz due to equipment putting my trains on hidden layers and screwing up the routes. The culprits of this are Jointed Rail train cars. Any of their train cars cause this problem, whereas their locomotives and any other content from...
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    Needing Help Transitioning Trainz, desperately!

    Hi all, I recently transitioned my local folder from my old Trainz 2010 on my old computer to my new Trainz 2010 on my new computer. My assets are in CM. However, the launcher will not stop updating the Trainz asset database. Which is not an issue, other than it shuts off once it gets into...
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    BNSF Heritage Fleet? Hmm...they're getting there.

    It appears BNSF Railway has finally begun a heritage fleet. Much to the foamie's delight. Although, its a tad different of a brand from Union Pacific, Amtrak and Norfolk Southern...BNSF is doing freight cars, of all things...
  8. I

    What's with the TPR DL Depot?

    What's with the Trainz Pro Routes Download Depot? Its all screwed up, every link on it you click just comes up with an endless list of orange bars. Been like this for months now. Woody
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    Jointed Rail to be featured on the Illinois Railfan Talkshow this Friday.

    Perhaps it is, or is not known that I host an internet streaming talkshow, the Illinois Railfan Talkshow, every Friday at 5:00pm CST. Well, this week my featured guests are Mike from Jointed Rail, and possibly their content creator Justin. I've been planning this episode with Mike for a few...
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    Norfolk Southern Heritage Units: Official Press Release

    Norfolk Southern Corporation released an official press release this morning from their Norfolk, Virginia headquarters concerning the alleged heritage units. NS confirmed that there will indeed by 18 heritage units painted in various schemes reflecting past railroad companies that make up the...
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    A Great soon removed?

    Briefly, one was able to upload pictures directly from their computer, and already this forum has returned to the crappy old way of having to go through imageshack or photobucket. What an incredible disappointment. You guys finally made uploading pictures a snap...then ruined it. Unbelievable...
  12. I

    NS Central Division CNO&TP Second District...and more.

    Wow. Really? A thread from "illinoiscentral"? Yeah, that's right. This route is a personal project of mine, and likely will not be up for download, however I documented this route enough on Facebook, and I think it's starting to annoy my non-railfan friends! :hehe: So, why not blog it here...
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    Screenshot of the Week. 1/23 - 1/29

    Another week of SotW has begun! We have a theme this advanced theme too... Here is this week's challenge: Your shot must depict a Midwestern Rural/Farm area (USA only) Your shot must be diesel power only. Rule are: One entry per person. If you post, you must be entering, no...
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    Screenshot of the Week. Voting 1/16 - 1/22

    It's that time again, vote for the Screenshot of the Week. Rules are: You can only vote once for three different people. Do not post unless you are voting. Winner will be announced the 27th of this month. Voting ends the 27th. Eligible Entries are as follows: tomahawk368 2 BobCass...
  15. I

    Union Pacific Steam Excursion - Vote Tuscola Turn.

    Okay everyone, I need a favor. I have seriously waited since I was 4 to see UP 3985 in my I am asking you all to this final hour my town has to win this, and vote for us. It's the Tuscola Turn. Please, we need your help. The twon has worked so hard to get to this point, we have...