Recent content by f_4phantom1959

  1. F

    Hairylegs Australia Tracks 8-5-2014

    I was give a copy of this file today and it is brilliant :udrool::udrool::udrool: You can download it from here
  2. F

    Latest Version of Hairylegs Australia Tracks 8-5-2014

    I was give a copy of this file today and it is brilliant :udrool::udrool::udrool: it show the location of most if not the all trains and trams tracks in Aust in google earth both use and closed You can download it from here
  3. F

    Australian Datum Tool

    Was searching for a way to convert coordinates between Easting/Northings and Lat/Lon coordinate or the other way around and found this on the net
  4. F

    Mapping out the Victorian Railway System

    I have stated to map out the Victorian Railway system in TransDem (Ver 2) using 1:25000 scale maps, so far I have mapped out and routed (Just the line without goods yard) Metro system (about 1970s to 80s) inner and outer loops Mont Park line Red Hill Line Mornington line Stone Point line...
  5. F

    Wish CM was more like TrainzObjectz

    I wish that CM was alot more like TrainzObjectz. ( ) It (Trainzobject) has a better fillter (about 20) system and better search. Peter
  6. F

    Changing the Track in 2010

    Is it possible to change the type of track in 2010 without changing ech spline. Peter
  7. F

    -showkuid in 2010

    can any one tell me why -showkuid dose not work in 2010 or am I not holding my mouth right. Peter
  8. F


    Great program and as always great after sales service:D :D :D Peter
  9. F

    No longer built-in

    A couple times I got a red banner at the bottom of CM saying that such and such KUID is not on DLS. One that has poped up is KUID-1-80008, I thought that KUID-1-****** was built-in in early versions , if this is the case can Auran please put the them on the DLS Peter
  10. F

    Scotch Blocks

    Has anyone done one for trainz please Here is a picture of a HO one
  11. F


    A friend told me about a map site he uses called Nearmaps I think it is oz based, it has more upto date sattlelite photos that google earth of the main cities of Australia. The photo I was looking at were dated 16 April 2010. the down side is I do not think it has...
  12. F

    Content Manager (Ver 3.2)Help, no help

    When you press the HELP button in CM it take you to That tells you nothing. Why not add a basic question and answer help file to the CM (with a bit more detail and hints than the manual.) Peter:confused:
  13. F

    What I don't like about (BETA)TRS2009

    Content files names are gibber (BETA)TRS2009 TRS2004 And saving files that you downloaded from DLS in another DIR (like in TrainzHelper in TRS2004) Peter M
  14. F

    single rail

    Is there a left or right single (1) rail (no ballast or sleepers) in SG to do catchpoints with please ? Peter M
  15. F

    How do you change track in TRS2004

    How do you change the track in TRS2004 in one go, not in sections please Peter