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    • E
      Eli99990000 replied to the thread NYCTA! pics!.
      I Got The R40S GOH And I got one right here: NYCTA R40S GOH Require The PreGOH & GOH Route Texture For R40S
    • E
      Eli99990000 replied to the thread NYCTA! pics!.
      already found it my bad, but im still looking for R160 NYCTA DE Destination cuz I have the outside one but I need the NYCTA DE one
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      Eli99990000 replied to the thread NYCTA! pics!.
      does anyone got any R42, R40 Or R40M?
    • E
      Eli99990000 replied to the thread NYCTA! pics!.
      does anyone got any NYCTA elevated track and station, even the underground NYCTA Tunnel and Underground Station
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