Who's Going to Multi-play?

Hello Euphod

It appears from what I have seen that the testers volunteered before January 10, 2011. In the old days the testers were identified with a ticket but it is a different system now it seems.


You are very welcome. This is not the first mass beta. This type of testing gives everyone a chance to find errors, but then that comes from someone on the B list. :)

Cheers as always

I just downloaded it and will give it a try, there is nothing to lose and I think it could be fun with the right people. ;)
Making a backup now and got the Beta Downloaded.

I am hesitant to install due to removal of Compatibility Mode Removal, not due till TS2011. Trundra Vegetation requires it and is the most popular tree / shrub vegetation used by creators.
Then surely all the more reason that they should now be brought into line with the new 2010 higher standards?
If it won't work in native mode then it needs the errors correcting;)
Whoa, whoa whoa! It removes compatibility mode? Why in the **** would you do that! Bad move Auran, bad move. And I was actually looking forward to MP.
Whoa, whoa whoa! It removes compatibility mode? Why in the **** would you do that! Bad move Auran, bad move. And I was actually looking forward to MP.

That´s because Auran|N3V doesn´t even listen to us. I even got a response from a moderator here saying that they sure "did", but, as a famous anime cartoon says: "Only one truth prevails". They want it, they got it, and they sure were advised by several people about doing this.

But hey! I haven´t studied marketing, I´m just a single customer. :p
Then surely all the more reason that they should now be brought into line with the new 2010 higher standards?
If it won't work in native mode then it needs the errors correcting;)

Agree in some aspects, but feel bad timing for the move.
You dont really need to backup, you can make a copy of TS2010 and keep one as standard, and add the MP into the other one. Just point the patcher to the correct trainz.exe

As this is brand new, there is obviously lots to check out. The 2 MP routes there are Harbor Master and Port Ogden & Northern

You can join a MP session, or indeed start one yourselves and get others to join you at experimenting. Start by selecting your driver, then have a spin round.
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It seems to me that there could be some kind of generation gap on this, Ed. :confused:

I can't see myself using Trainz in a Call-of-Duty-like way. This Trainz experience is quite individualistic and most certain aged trainzers (or at least I think) have their own special and customized route which they like to run regardless others can do.

Surely I'm wrong. Of late I'm so many times. :sleep:

That customization and usage of Third Party assets is miles away from the multi-player concept seemingly offered by N3VR Games. Anyway, as we say at IBTZ:

There's not only one Trainz, there's a different Trainz for everyone. Let it be so.

I can live without multi-player Trainz. In fact, I can live without Trainz. :hehe:

The single-player side of Alberte :wave:
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I like the idea. It gives me something else to do when I want a break. I have down loaded the patch and the system is backing up my files right now. I would like to hear from anyone who has already updated, if any have? I have also toyed with the idea of installing 2010 again on a different drive to try it out but than means 2 patches have to be done.
Why is it that every time AlwysFail improves the game, they tend to take two steps backwards by destroying other parts that made it good.

The loss of compatibility mode renders 99% of the routes made for TRS useless. Freeware routes are hard for me to make now, as I can't use Trunda trees, and the only speed trees that actually look good to me are the Payware Ultratreez and ultra grass. A large amount of my payware assets that I have bought over the years, routes and locomotives, have errors, and some of the creators are not around anymore.

Here are some things that require native mode to run.
ANY Gfisher route
Any route made before TRS2010... scratch that. Most routes made for 2010 don't have speed tree either as the auran one sucks. (Seriously, it looks horrible, and is a framerate killer. There is no need for them to have a detailed model of roots, and boulders underneath the ground. Also, the origins are messed up on them so they are hard to work with.)

To me, it seems that the only good thing that Auran has done recently that hasn't messed up anything was the two steamers that they just released.

I was waiting for multiplayer anxiously as I was wondering how Auran would mess it up. First it was the lazy, and just plain stupid idea not to support 3rd party assets in multiplayer. I thought that that would be the worse of it. I was wrong. Turns out, they went for the big one. Destruction of most of the assets. Way to go Nvrfail.(That name is really compensating for something. It would be like if AIG changed their name to NeverBankrupt.)

The only reason, it seems, that I will be purchasing the next trainz game is because some QUALITY designers are finally working on the game. (Jointedrail)

I actually brought this whole thing to my marketing professor, and he laughed. He said, and I quote, "Wow, what is that company thinking. It is obvious that by doing these things, that they are alienating their repeat customers. If they keep doing this, I would be surprised if they will survive if another simulator came into the market that actually listened to its customer base, rather than pushing to get new customers at their expense."
You dont really need to backup, you can make a copy of TS2010 and keep one as standard, and add the MP into the other one. Just point the patcher to the correct trainz.exe

As this is brand new, there is obviously lots to check out. The 2 MP routes there are Harbor Master and Port Ogden & Northern

You can join a MP session, or indeed start one yourselves and get others to join you at experimenting. Start by selecting your driver, then have a spin round.

The database maintenence doesn't get screwed up?
Well, here goes the patch..........................

Report findings tonight. Kind of scared...............:confused:
Why is it that every time AlwysFail improves the game, they tend to take two steps backwards by destroying other parts that made it good.

The loss of compatibility mode renders 99% of the routes made for TRS useless. Freeware routes are hard for me to make now, as I can't use Trunda trees, and the only speed trees that actually look good to me are the Payware Ultratreez and ultra grass. A large amount of my payware assets that I have bought over the years, routes and locomotives, have errors, and some of the creators are not around anymore.

Here are some things that require native mode to run.
ANY Gfisher route
Any route made before TRS2010... scratch that. Most routes made for 2010 don't have speed tree either as the auran one sucks. (Seriously, it looks horrible, and is a framerate killer. There is no need for them to have a detailed model of roots, and boulders underneath the ground. Also, the origins are messed up on them so they are hard to work with.)

To me, it seems that the only good thing that Auran has done recently that hasn't messed up anything was the two steamers that they just released.

I was waiting for multiplayer anxiously as I was wondering how Auran would mess it up. First it was the lazy, and just plain stupid idea not to support 3rd party assets in multiplayer. I thought that that would be the worse of it. I was wrong. Turns out, they went for the big one. Destruction of most of the assets. Way to go Nvrfail.(That name is really compensating for something. It would be like if AIG changed their name to NeverBankrupt.)

The only reason, it seems, that I will be purchasing the next trainz game is because some QUALITY designers are finally working on the game. (Jointedrail)

I actually brought this whole thing to my marketing professor, and he laughed. He said, and I quote, "Wow, what is that company thinking. It is obvious that by doing these things, that they are alienating their repeat customers. If they keep doing this, I would be surprised if they will survive if another simulator came into the market that actually listened to its customer base, rather than pushing to get new customers at their expense."

I agree 100%.;)