Weathered Locomotives and Rolling Stock


Active member
That looks terrible! In other words, GREAT weathering job!! It almost borders on an "I'm so ratty, I shouldn't even be running" rust job. I like it!!
European stock

Polish PKP assets have a good representation of weathered locos and rolling stock, much of it on the DLS.

Here’s one loco I particularly like by lookseek PKP Ty2-64 <kuid:341856:100247>. I think the weathering job is fantastic.

Way to much, I remember steam powered fright trains and that is not what they looked like, remember a steamer had to have a overhaul every ten years and constant up keep to keep running.
Way to much, I remember steam powered fright trains and that is not what they looked like, remember a steamer had to have a overhaul every ten years and constant up keep to keep running.

I can't speak with any authority, but perhaps in Poland, post WW2, rules were a little different.