Wait Rule runs only once - need it to repeat when called.


Prototype Operations Guru
Can rules be created that run only once, even though as a child rule they may come around again and again? I am using <kuid2:122381:10016:2> Wait. It seems that this Rule only runs once per session. I am using it as a child rule and no matter how many times the parent rule is run, this one only runs once and any rules following it as a child rule do not run.

Here is how it is being used.

[/URL]image hosting no registration[/IMG]

Any suggestions how to make Wait happen every time it is encountered in this sequence is appreciated.


My guess is that the problem lies with the trigger check rule.
1. Make sure you don't have 'trigger only once' selected
2. Make sure you have selected 'execute child rules even where a vehicle is not present.....' (or words to that effect; I am away from my Trainz PC).

Hope this helps,
The Trigger Check rule is set up to be repeatable and all its child rules work the first time the trigger detects the engine, but the second and subsequent times the trigger detects the engine, the Wait On Train Stop and the first Set Time and Rate rules function, but then nothing. I can run it by backing the engine over the trigger again and again in the same session and get the same results - everything works up to the Wait rule.

Is there another Wait rule that repeats more than once per session?
Why do you have the second "Set Time and Rate" rule indented under the "Wait" rule? "Wait" is not a decision process like "Trigger Check" or "Wait on Train Stop/Start" so the indent makes no sense to me.

Try the second "Set Time and Rate" rule without the indent so that it is at the same child level as "Wait" to see if that makes a difference.
OK, I removed the indent for the second Set Time & Rate as you suggested and it is now working properly.

I expected with out the indent for the Wait and Set Time to run simultaneously, thus setting the time to 8am prematurely.

Thanks for the suggestion.
OK, I removed the indent for the second Set Time & Rate as you suggested and it is now working properly.

I am glad it now works. I was thinking about my suggested solution overnight (local time) and I thought that my suggestion may not have worked at all. I just logged on to post a correction when I saw your result.

My example of "Wait on Train Stop/Start" being a decision process was wrong. Like all "Wait" rules, it simply introduces a delay until an event occurs (train stops or starts) then any following rules are executed (if an ordered list is being used). So indents placed directly under a "Wait on Train Stop/Start" rule may also cause problems.

The example shown in the following screenshot is how I use the "Wait on Train Stop/Start" rule
