Using Multi Ind stry 1 - Does not continue after initial startup

I am rather new to programming industries. I have some up and running, and they seem to work well. However, "Multi Ind str 1 = 60mEn" does not work. It works initially, exactly as I had programmed it. However, time stands still. I get a message such as "23 minutes till full" and "18 minutes till empty." When I leave them set for a while, the same amount of minutes remain, and the commodity levels have not changed. An example of this is a grain silo. It works fine the first time I use it, but it is programmed to fill with grain continuously, and after a while, another train comes by to get filled with grain. But, the grain silo does not fill up again. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you
Try setting all of them to the maximum by holding down a number key until the little window shows full of the numbers. It works best if you choose 'units' in the product section when you choose the rolling-stock before you try to set the Queue amounts. You will then find your industry will always be loaded.
They only produce/consume in increments of what is entered in rate. If the rate is too high you have problems.

Think of it like this: You can fit 1 case of beer in your fridge, but you can only replenish the beer a whole case at a time. That means until you finish the last beer, you can't put any in the fridge. That's the best way I could think to explain it.
Thank you for your comments. I have been experimenting with things, including your suggestions. I still cannot get it to work. However, I believe I have found a problem. If there is only one commodity, then it works perfectly. Once I try to add another commodity, then time no longer moves.
