
Trainz Veteran
The National New York Central Museum in Elkhart, Indiana ww.nycrrmuseum.org) is interested in hosting a TRAINZ workshop on June 5, 2010. The workshop’s objective will be TRAINZ introduction.

The published title and objective…..

Virtual Railroad Construction—The resurrection of fallen flags.

This is a workshop discussing the application of a software program “Trainz Simulator” http://www.ts2010.com, developed by the Auran Company, for the design, construction, and operation of historically accurate railroad engines, buildings, and rail lines.

Anyone interested may contact me, Bill Klene (wgkandsk) Crown Point, Indiana. If you would like to discuss any ideas by phone, send me an E-mail bklene@comcast.net and I will contact you with in two or three days.
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What does hosing mean in the way you used it?
Of course I know it doesn't mean hosing down with a hose and water, but some Trainz users might! :hehe:
Bill; while I can't make any commitments right now. Elkhart isn't too far from me and I'd love to lend a hand. Is there a version of TRS your planing on using? I know of a couple other trainzers in the area that might be up for the drive.

It's a bit too far for me to be at in person, but I might be able to contribute in other ways. I do have some new NYC rolling stock reskins in the works. I'm almost certain I'll be done with what I have planned by June but I don't want to commit to anything just yet.

I think there may be a lot of interest in NYC equipment, so any related skins would be most welcome. I have one or two NYC decals I made with Gmax for a boxcar that may be usefull. Do you have SKYPE installed, give me a call using my E-mail address.
I'm just about done with these; just waiting for my testers to give it a once-over then they'll be out.

(Click for a bigger pic)

wgkandsk; I'll get an email out to you shortly (been wrestling CM2 most of today). Do you know what version of TRS you will be using? I currently have 09 installed on my laptop; which makes it easy for transport.

For the workshop, most likely 2004. I have everthing installed fro 2004 forward with the exception of 2010. If you don't have skype installed, send me a phone number.
hmm the Amtrak station is across the tracks from the museum....... I'll see what I can do I may or may not be there (more than likely not).
I recenly fired off an E-mail to the TRAINZ help desk asking about their support for such a workshop. I have yet to receive a response.
the email address hasn't been used in ages. you need to use the helpdesk linked at the top of the page. any emails sent get automatically deleted (if they haven't closed teh address down; in which case it will bounce back to you.
