UK Foliage list


As a Trainz user who has made a habit of downloading routes alphabetically, and finding most of them.....especially the UK ones.....that they all seem to look like one another, with the same kind of track, the same simple Toy Town trees, and the limited supply of same buildings.:confused:
Also....where are the field boundaries in a lot of these UK routes?:eek:
Thats what this country's all about when you travel about in see lots of field boundaries...walls, hedges, fencing etc.:)
Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a really good look through your own Trainz versions list of scenery objects, and a good peruse of the DLS (Download Station) to create a notated (Written down) catalogue of decent scenery you, (A route builder) could use in a route?:sleep:

Heres something that might help a little.
This is the list of foliage I used in my 'Colne to Skipton' line a while back.
You have to spend a day, or even more having a look on the DLS for some good looking foliage, that looks reasonably good enough to 'sit' well in the Trainz rendered landscape.
There is an enormous amount of different kinds of foliage on the DLS, so why not use them, and make the route you are going do....well....a bit more realistic looking.:sleep: :sleep:

Have just downloaded the small layout: 'UKSomewhere', and for artistic abilities in rendering this route, the creator gets top marks in my book.
'UKSomewhere' should be a marker, or a benchmark that all you UK Trainz route makers should aspire to.
Have a look at it.
Its really nifty.:cool:

Heres my UK foliage list. No way is it a comprehensive catalogue of suitable type UK looking trees, but it might help someone hopefully.:D

Description is in brackets – not part of title.

TRS Testlaubbaum (Tree)
Laubbaum (Tree)
Hoher Laubbaum (Tree)
Hickory 3 10m (Bush/Tree)
Hickory 3 20m (Tree)
Spruce 1 10m (Tree)
Generic Spruce 2 30m (Tree)
f1 tree 03
Vogelbeerstrauch (Bush)
f1 tree04 (Tree/Bush)
Fichte (Tree)
Fichte 8 (Tree)
European Beech1 10m (Tree)
Florida Sand pine 6m (Bush)
Florida Sand Pine 10m (Tree)
Flowers Lavender 2
Eng Oak2 15m
Flower Lavender
Flower Yellow Spots
Pappel (Tree)
shrub2 (Bush)
Shrub Lichen 3 (Bush)
Shrub Lichen 4 (Bush)
Eng Oak 10m
Laubbaum 2
Eng Hawthorn 4 10m (Tree)
Eng Hawthorn 5 10m (Tree)
shrub 1 (Bush)
shrub 02 (Bush)
shrub 03 (Bush)
English willow 10m (Tree)
Shrub Group 1 (Bushes)
English Oak 3 20m (Tree)
Gld Rey Lacebark Elm 15m (Tree)
English Elm 1 10m
English Elm 1 15m
Dub 3 15 (Tree)
Downy Hawthorn 8m (Tree)
Grand Fir 12 20m (Tree)
Green 2 8m (Bush/Tree)
Toter Baum (Bush/Tree)
Linde 2 (Tree)
List4 4 (Bush)
Hecke 7X7m Pt2 strl (Bushes)
Jasan 15 (Tree)
Javor 2 16 (Tree)

Bush cascadeLocks UP (Bush)
Green2 8m (Bush)
Busch5m1 (Bush)
Busch5m3 (Bush)
Shrub Lichen 2 (Bush)
Acacia 19 7m (Bush)
Poplar 2b (Bush)
Poplar 5b (Bush)
Poplar 8b
Poplar 14b (Tree)
Poplar 15 (Tree)
Poplar 18 (Tree)
shrub 3 (Bush)
shrub 4 (Bush)
Tree Small
Bush LRG cascadelocks UP bridge
Shrub Lichen 1
A brave effort but I think unlikely to get the response you wish for, there is also a limit as to frame rate and artistic effect if you haven’t already done so try a copy of Restormel Castle although it’s of my creation I think the balance here is about right and of course you can always add more threes of you personal choice if you wish
Regards Bob V