Unfortunately the script for these fixed track junctions didn't support streaming which is problematic in max performance mode and particularly for any DLC and built-in content. The assets supplied with Beloreck were therefore updated with the author's permission to make the script compatible with streaming. At this stage only those assets included with Beloreck have had the script replaced.
As I understand it the remaining assets on the DLS will also need to have the script replaced with the updated one in order to make the full set compatible. The author has permitted us to do this and while it is not as yet scheduled we can at least assist in the short term with submitting to the DLS any updated assets which are supplied to us. It is a matter of replacing the script with the updated version in each case and incrementing the kuid revision.
As I understand it the remaining assets on the DLS will also need to have the script replaced with the updated one in order to make the full set compatible. The author has permitted us to do this and while it is not as yet scheduled we can at least assist in the short term with submitting to the DLS any updated assets which are supplied to us. It is a matter of replacing the script with the updated version in each case and incrementing the kuid revision.