TRS2006 Back up


Good enough
Hello all, I need a little help here. I am on a computer, that I may need to replace soon. I have a hefty TRS2006 folder, and I am wondering how I can back it up. I can't just re-install trainz and download everything, since the download station will be obsolete for TRS2006 and under, come September. I saw something about copying the local folder, but I can't find a decent procedure to follow. Any help will be greatly appreciated.:):wave:

Sorry, but that might not be an option for me, as I have over 5000 items I would have to re-pack.:hehe:

I just copy my local folder to an external drive, usually once a week or if I get on a download kick. I also only download through FTP since my gaming computer is never on line. Always have a copy of the original CDP that way which gets saved to another folder in an appropriate file such as boxcar for boxcars. Instant double back up
