Trainz 2012


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We interrupt your regularly schedualed program, to bring you this emergency announcement from the White House... Danny Glover-President of the United States is about to make an Emergency Presidential Address to the Nation..."Looks like we're going to have to celebrate the Holidays 5 days earlier in 2012" !

The Movie 2012: Some GREAT special effects...2hr 40 min...a little long...three stars

Edit: Applegathc: I myself enjoyed it, and would reccomend seeing it in the it has quite alot of great, big screen, special effects...but it does get a little drawn out with all the...Zzzzz...dialog and has ALOT of great moments ! It won't be the same on Blue Ray or on your wide screen TV, unless you sit up really close.

The "Large Volcano" is on DLS...but I edited some more lava rivers, Moon2, and Trainz to my own personal route, which is not on DLS. The other planets are pasted in, using Irfanview/Paint Dialog Box.

The Moon2 was cloned and copied, and I pasted in 2 alternate Moon & Earth images into the Moon2 I can place many images of different moons & planets dirrectly into Trainz screenshots.

Saturn might not work, because of the eliptical image of it's rings ?
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Edit: Applegathc: I myself enjoyed it, and would reccomend seeing it in the it has quite alot of great, big screen, special effects...but it does get a little drawn out with all the...Zzzzz...dialog and has ALOT of great moments ! It won't be the same on Blue Ray or on your wide screen TV, unless you sit up really close.

The "Large Volcano" is on DLS...but I edited some more lava rivers, Moon2, and Trainz...

haha alrighty!

thanks for the heads-up!
*melts and burns*
*mushroom gas clouds apear and destroy larger towns and cities*
*world cracks in half*
*remains explode*

The End ;)
Since I lost a bet, (over a year ago) Jadebullet..I think he should bring along a fruitcake...and watch me eat the entire thing in one sitting ! There are a few edible ones...though, most are truely nasty !

I'm trying to get Saturn to work...pasted into the Moon2 image file.
The rings might not work out as well, as Saturn is an eliptical image ?

Jupiter is by far the most spectacular planet to view, as its many moons often transit across it's surface, making dramatic photographs. Jupiters Moon: Io, looks like a pizza, molten !

I once watched the transit of Venus crossing the surface of the Sun (using 4 welders dark glass filters, stacked together).
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I'm trying to get Saturn to work...pasted into the Moon2 image file.
The rings might not work out as well, as Saturn is an eliptical image ?

By looking at that first shot of yours, it looks like the rings work just fine!

But please remind me... why is the world ending so soon?!:'( I mean, I still have to grow up ...and, and become a commercial pilot, and..... the Sun isn't due to fry us all for another 5 billion years yet!:eek: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This can't be happening to me.........
Funny enough, a few people actually believe this will happen, they are entitled to their opinions but honestly, anyone remember the movie 6-6-06?
(Of Course I didn't go see it due to personal beliefs)
Where satan was supposed to rule the earth for a day, people said that was going to happen too, they also said this doom and gloom stuff back in '00 and '84 or was it '87? There is a point there, I'm still here to look back on it!:hehe:

But in anycase that volcano is very realistic, might use it to represent the Hawinain Islands or something...

Just my thoughts,
Run for the hills...

Oh too late, there on fire:hehe:

As doctor Smith would say from lost in space, Oh the pain, the pain...

Joe Airtime
Anybody here know the Doctor? Quick, everyone, into the TARDIS, we're getting out of here! Fasten your seatbelts....:hehe: