Trainz 2009 World Builder SP2


New member
What is the status of Trainz 2009 World Builder SP2. Still has many problems that need fixing so we can enjoy whet we payed for. ALso is there going to be an Engineers Edition or has that been shelved indefinately. Note, we have a coupon for EE, but so far nothing has materialized. There is a new project that is in it's very early stages being tested by a group of beta testers. NDA does not allow me to elaborate on the project but I would think they would complete one project before starting another. It would be nice to hear from Tony with a presentstion of the status of Trainz and a little insight of there future plans.:)
There is a new project that is in it's very early stages being tested by a group of beta testers. NDA does not allow me to elaborate on the project but I would think they would complete one project before starting another. It would be nice to hear from Tony with a presentstion of the status of Trainz and a little insight of there future plans.:)
Ah, TS X in progress then. :) (I'm guessing).

I agree that progress on TS09 does seem to be stalled, but I'm enjoying TC3 at the moment, so I'm not that fussed.
For those who have trouble navigating the trainzdev site (its not the most intuitive) here is the initial post in the SP2 forum (dated 2009/06/03)

This is a beta release and therefore requires both a TS2009 retail CD key and a beta CD key. After patching the beta CD key must be entered on the Developer tab of the launcher settings dialog.

DO NOT attempt to download and install this patch if you do not have a beta CD key.

List of changes since 39023:
- Extensively updated localisation text for Czech, Polish, Hungarian and German
- Fixed a bug in the patch installer that caused it to fail when installing older patch files
- Changed the location of the CM2 "Online Help" link
- Made updates to more easily support localisation of asset html files
- Fixed the DBHelper kuid in the iTrainz Chat asset
- Fixed a minor bug in the automatic height calculation of HTML boxes that could cause text to be cut off
- Fixed some UTF-8 character display in Content Manager
- Fixed a bug that could cause shadows to be rendered on the sky in some situations
- Improved Content Managers handling of list updates to prevent it occasionally losing it's scroll position
- Updates to texture compression to support forced DXT1a
- Fixed CCP crashing when being loaded in Hungarian
- Fixed the saving of filters in Content Manager when running in some non-English languages
- Added a fix for a known bug with Windows Vista that caused erroneous beeps when clicking on the main list
- Removed the 'Quickdrive' option on the 'Scenarios' screen
- Looped sounds started with PlaySoundScriptEvent will now restart after object deletion/creation
- Made improvements for the handling of low-memory conditions
- Add a hard upper limit to the number of stitched buffers to prevent a crash in DirectX under compatibility mode
- Fixed the Surveyor saved consist list not being available from anywhere in the game
- Double clicking in search fields in Content Manager now selects all
- Fixed a thread-safety crash
- Fixed Content Manager crashing at start-up when no asset database was present
- Fixed a crash when driving along the 'Glasgow to Falkirk' route
- Fixed a crash when using a non faulty asset, 70tonoss
- Fixed a possible hang when typing into the Content Manager search field
- Fixed a crash when flipping the cutoff with the PB15

Subsequent posts discussed issues with the SP2 patch from errors in the download process to problems the new patch has (on some systems) with both/either DirectX and OpenGL, things that worked before the patch but now do not, problems with the autosave and many other matters - in short all the usual issues with beta patches.

Peter Ware
What is the status of Trainz 2009 World Builder SP2. Still has many problems that need fixing so we can enjoy whet we payed for. ALso is there going to be an Engineers Edition or has that been shelved indefinately. Note, we have a coupon for EE, but so far nothing has materialized. There is a new project that is in it's very early stages being tested by a group of beta testers. NDA does not allow me to elaborate on the project but I would think they would complete one project before starting another. It would be nice to hear from Tony with a presentstion of the status of Trainz and a little insight of there future plans.:)

I'm not sure what the purpose of this post is other than to hint that you know something the rest of us do not. TS2009 Sp2 is an open beta test and the latest build is just a couple of weeks old. IMHO things are progressing nicely and SP2 should be available in the not too distant future.

Auran posted a request for finished TS2009 routes at Trainzdev so some version of TS2009 with new routes appears to be in the plans. Whether it is named Engineer's Edition or not is anyone's guess.

There is a new project that is in it's very early stages being tested by a group of beta testers. NDA does not allow me to elaborate on the project but I would think they would complete one project before starting another.

And I think the BETA testers should be keeping quiet about what is being done.

jeeps part of the game of 'trainz' does not involve playing with the developers. we want a game and i'm not that interested in the developers, don't really even care if they have a nice day or not if it's not about their having a nice one by finishing an unfinished app which we committed ourselves to by buying. what's so odd about wanting milk for the milk bottle you bought? the milk is in beta? beta to have it now and not have excuses.

And I think the BETA testers should be keeping quiet about what is being done.

jeeps part of the game of 'trainz' does not involve playing with the developers. we want a game and i'm not that interested in the developers, don't really even care if they have a nice day or not if it's not about their having a nice one by finishing an unfinished app which we committed ourselves to by buying. what's so odd about wanting milk for the milk bottle you bought? the milk is in beta? beta to have it now and not have excuses.

Hmmmm..... why do I think this thread is going to have a very short.... shelf life.

Have fun,
Okay, the following comments I'm making are purely intended as constructive criticism and the view of someone who has purchased every edition of Trainz since UTC.

Auran, you seem to have a bit of a track record of releasing unready software and leaving us hanging. Good example: a lot was promised in 2004 that didn't get included until the passenger upgrade (passenger support, for an example).

In this case, it's not so much what was promised but what wasn't delivered. The vast majority of my steam fleet is now rendered essentially useless to me because of the sound problem and there's no word of a fix on the horizon or even discussed. For the record, I found one locomotive that oddly works any which way I attempt to test it. One out of thirty or forty. And since I run steam more than half the time, that is a big deal to me.

Now, you've also given us a lot of great stuff and I think that bugs and cancelled features aside, every edition of Trainz I've bought has been worth it. However these complications do make the enjoyment (and there is much to be had) bittersweet.

That's my two cents.
Excellent news if TS-x is in development but this time Auran, please, if you are including "legacy" content within its depths invite the original contributors to rework their routes even if just to the best of the existing platforms.

And yes signing an NDA usually includes the clause that you can't even mention you've signed it!
Excellent news if TS-x is in development but this time Auran, please, if you are including "legacy" content within its depths invite the original contributors to rework their routes even if just to the best of the existing platforms.

And yes signing an NDA usually includes the clause that you can't even mention you've signed it!

I would say go one step further and have some legacy content support. Not to keep flogging a dead horse, but steam sounds, for instance.
And yes signing an NDA usually includes the clause that you can't even mention you've signed it!

Judging by the contents of his post, he's either not a tester, or hasn't bothered to read the information that the testers have been given :)

Judging by the contents of his post, he's either not a tester, or hasn't bothered to read the information that the testers have been given :)



If you think I have violated The NDA then by all means Suspend me.

I asked a simple question. Some others seem to think that they are the authority here. They don't make the decisions, you do!

Chris, I will repeat my question. If you know what the status of SP2 is, I would like to know.

And to all the the rest of you, if you don't know the answer, please choose another thread to steal.

