

New member

While looking at the TrackIR website today i found that TS2006 suports it.

And then ther is the natural question, how about 2009 and 2010, do they suport the use of TrackIr?

Im realy thinking about buying one becaus it would be great with Arma 2 and FS, but if it works with TS 2009 or 2010 it would seal the deal on my part.

If anyone got an awenser please tell me.


I've used TrackIR 4 with 6DOF from TRS2006 through TS2010.

However Track IR 5 is now available with better capability. As yet I can't use it as I have the earlier hardware but it's in the works I believe.

The website has a profile for TRS2004. I modified it because I found it uncontrollable in the forward view due to being too sensitive. Essentially I moved the whole profile down so that the centre views were less sensitive. I did not change the profile shape.

Be aware that the toggle as stated in section 20.2 of TRS2006 manual (page 299) is incorrect. It should read Alt-H NOT Ctrl-H.

If you are using FRAPS for capturing screenshots and video in game be aware that FRAPS uses hotkey F12 to change position of FPS display on screen. This same hotkey is used in TrackIR so you will have to re-assign hotkeys to avoid conflict.
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how do I get it started in ts2010

Ive installed trackir pro 4 but cant get it working in ts2010, it recognises the raildriver buttons for pause and centre but i am missing something for sure.
thanks for any help, I dont have trs2006 and cant find the manual anywhere.
no probs Track Ir 5 fixed it. now working..
even working on Track IR 4 now, better and smoother than 5 but seems to lose front focus and need to stop and start to get back front view looking straight ahead when centering.
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