Timeout on schedule rule


Hey all,

I'm using a lot of shedules in my route/session, but lately the "copy commands from"-driver command grays out on a timeout.

Are there effectively too much schedules defined, or is there a solution around this or an alternative or a tweak possible?

Looking forward to any suggestion
Use the Insert from Schedule Library for consistent results and your issue may very well be that the command is reaching the limits of what it can handle. To be honest, I'm surprised it worked for you at all because there are some buggy things with the rule that have existed since the early days and because of previous bad experiences, I only use Copy Commands from with the insert from schedule library option.

Among the issues I encountered:

Copy Commands from - driver always gave me weird issues like not finding the driver specified even though the driver was on the route.
Copy Commands from existing schedule, got weird with messages saying that the schedule didn't exist, but it was inserted anyway, and
Appending instead of inserting causes the schedule to become jumbled up after the Copy Commands from command expands in the driver schedule bar.