texture comes out red tinted


Trainz Asya
FBX Texture changes to red in CM

First off, I just want to say to all of you, its a rather nice day outside today, well by nice I mean incessant raining though in fairness as long as the rain is light and not walloping at once its quite nice, but thats by the by.
Anyway, I've had this issue since the making of this 3D model of a train vehicle, where the textures don't translate well from Sketchbook -> Blender -> MS 3D Viewer -> Trainz Content Manager. The texture behaves itself quite nicely on the first three programs, its really only on the Trainz Content Manager where things fall apart into pear shaped debris, to illustrate:

How its supposed to look like

What comes out in the Content Manager

I just can't explain or rationalise as to why the perfectly okayish White-Orange livery would end up like this, I am honestly at my wit's end at this point. And the only fix that I found that has 'worked' to a extremely limited degree is to use .m.notex rather than .m.onetex, only to rid both the red tint, and the livery.

I would gladly share any relevant errors and warnings that popped up when the asset was committed so there's less factors to worry about but as far as the Content Manager is concerned: "Things are A-OK!", when in reality, things are definitely not "A-OK!". Though any, and every bit of assistance and information is welcome, thank you.

Also, are there any wiki tutorials, blogs, or video tutorials that details on how to make animated doors w/ sound that opens and closes on stations, and animated pantographs? Just want to know in case I fix this red mess and go through the project.
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What kind of material are you using? I suspect you are trying to use m.onetex. Make sure that your material name has the suffix for whichever material you are using. So, if you're using m.onetex, you'd need: funmaterial.m.onetex.
What kind of material are you using? I suspect you are trying to use m.onetex. Make sure that your material name has the suffix for whichever material you are using. So, if you're using m.onetex, you'd need: funmaterial.m.onetex.

If something as easily fixable as a typo were to be the case, I'd rip my head off. Fortunately however, the suffix of the texture that came out red was typed correctly; m.onetex, so at least I can exclude my idle-headed ineptitude as a factor, but I'm still no closer to the answer and in fact got further from the answer when all of my subsequent models came out with proper diffuse textures. I don't know what I did to make the textures come out the way they are but I'm not risking it and just cloned the materials that worked to the 3d models with the faulty textures, only changing the diffuse map, hoping subsequent materials will not come out as red again.

So it did happen again with another traincar I'm working on, but this time it came out blue, and that's when things started to connect together, as it turns out, even if the suffix of a material is a type that uses a diffuse/albedo map, the base colour still gets a huge say on how the texture will look like. Funnily enough, before I've applied the uv map onto the model, I've set the base colour to blue while modeling as a way to contrast the white blueprint on the blue mesh. And I guess it got carried onto the diffuse map, but just to be sure, I checked back on the model with the texture that came out red and sure enough, the base colour is red. So finally, I can lay rest assured that what I was trying to fix was indiscernible to begin with, and all that time trying to fix it can be justified.I mean I should be mad that this wasn't discussed in the Content Creator Guide but at least I didn't spend a week trying to fix what would essentially be a typo issue.

Thank you though for at least helping out.