Steel carrying Rollingstock Queston


New member
I'm looking for rolling stock that can carry the products listed below. Built in content is prefered but downloadable is still ok.
Limestone solid
Paper roll
Scrap metal
Steelcoil (2x2m, 1x2m, 1x1m)
Beer, tank volume

All those products are in the BI2 General Industry. It would be great if you suggest downloadable content that doesn't have 200 other random products that come with it. I know I'm picky but I don't want to further bug industry active content within my game.

Hi Eno,

Look for freight cars (wagons) by Majekeer. These seem to work well and don't seem to ask for any products even though they can be loaded.

You will of course need a flatcars for the limestone, boxcars for the paper rolls, gondolas for the scrap, along with steel coil cars for your steel coils, and tank cars for the beer.
