Speed limit issue


Active member
Just updated to 22 and thought this might have been an error in 2019. I use invisible speed limit objects in conjunction with trackside signs and quite often notice that Trainz will display an update in line speed before the train has passed through an interlocking/switch/ect. Could this be an issue with using dpu?
I don't think this has anything to do with using a DPU. I've done that plenty of times without issue including units placed mid and end on the same train.
What signals are you using?

When using Type 08 Interlocking signals from Jointed Rail, the AI drivers slow down to 15 mph. Once past the interlocking, they resume track speed.
I don't think this has anything to do with using a DPU. I've done that plenty of times without issue including units placed mid and end on the same train.
What signals are you using?

When using Type 08 Interlocking signals from Jointed Rail, the AI drivers slow down to 15 mph. Once past the interlocking, they resume track speed.
I use my own signals which at this point either use Grahamsea/Jon Roma script(which sadly doesn't work with EIT's past 2019 sp2) or an updated version of the RRsignal scripts. I never considered that the signals may be a factor, I guess I assumed that as long as the train was on top of multiple speed limit signs, Trainz would display the slowest speed as the max limit. Seems like a bug to me.
If a long train is in fact still within a slow speed zone, then the train will continue to travel at that slow speed. This is actual real-life practice I was told due to the possibility that the tail end of the train possibly being in an area with sharp curves and other issue too is coming up-to-speed too quickly can cause coupler breakage among others.

It could be the signal scripts but as I've said, I've seen this with JR's signals as well, and did so with RRS signals which I've used in the past now that you mentioned those.

The issue I see is passenger trains on a highspeed line slowing down to crossover when in real-life they do not. There should be some kind of override for those situations and that would mean another modification to the signal logic.

It's unfortunate that these older signals no longer work as intended. I really liked the old RRS transit signals. They looked and worked well on my trolley route but as you said, are broken now. They work intermittently I found and have weird issues where the AI will stop at them rather than pass them while at other times, they're fine. This makes for awful troubleshooting because intermittent issues are very difficult to track down.
The train will react to a speed signal when the front hits it and when the end passes it. Speed signals must not be spaced less than the total length of the train. If the front hits 10mph it will slow but if the back then passes 50mph it will speed up even though the train has just entered 10mph..