Someone said recently SAVE the Old Loco's


Targ (Chris)
Old Locomotives,
While being lovely to look at the reason the are classed as old and replaced is for future improvement of the fleet.. do you not buy a new car when yours is no long doing its job or is no longer cost effective..

I understand the love of steam and yes steam need to be preserved, there are those special diesel and electric loco's that need to be held onto what would mussiam be if it didn't showcase all that was and is?

Yes I love steam Loco's I love diesel Loco's hell I just love trains..
But I do no expect the Governments of today to just donate old Trains to heritage groups hell if they did I'd have one myself I'd form a group just so I could have a AD60 Class garrett. but I know that in places like Dorigo NSW there are a number that are in or close to working order. I donate to them when I can spare the extra cash.. I know its not a lot but I think everything helps.

Famous trains need to be put in moth balls, yes I fully Agree they even need to be rolled out from time to time.. People that work with them need to be instructed in art of doing so.. I'm sure there is a lot of preserved old loco's I think mostly Steam powered that have been killed by untrained drivers..

as the Older Loco get older so do the people that are skilled in keeping them going soon there will be no one left to make them work.. or that know how to make them work... everyday we hear of some old guy passing that was a loved member of a family but was an avid rail fan and active member of this heritage group and used to work for that Railway company, or make this or that.

I know its SAD but time does go on and it stand still for no man.. the best we can expect from time that it is kind to us and those we love..

I look back on my Child hood and remember the rides I took with my Uncle on the foot plate of 6011 or 5903? or one of the other huge mountain class steam loco's. living near the tracks made it easy all I had to do was hang out near the tracks and wait for the freight trains to go by if my uncle was driving I could run up and jump on. easy enough, when they were grinding up a bank or slowing to go down it.. I could just as easily jump off..

oops going off in another direction I guess i'm getting old...

Oh well

Cheers all my rant is done...
Life can be cruel, to spend the first half trying to be old, and the second half trying to recapture our youth.
If you think so then yes .. but I hate to burst ya bubble I read it some many times in the last 3 weeks, in regard to the S class and H and P OK the later I have to go back a bit about them.. I've said it myself in regard to the 60 class.. there are many forums I visit that people scream out to save this or that.. they did they do that it was a wonderful ??? they could have given it to the heritage society, but why???

You tell why should they save anything??

should we recycle everything thats old.. me maybe you...