signalling guide


New member
Hello one and all, I have been looking for a good tutorial on how to use proper signalling when building a route. So far I have found two sites. One is and the other is The problem with the later is that I am not able to see the pictures on the documentation. My question is does anyone know where I can download a copy of The Trainz Signalling Guide that includes all the pictures in the documentation? Thank you.
The second link seems to be a reproduction of the TS2004 Signalling Guide (signaling_guide.pdf). If you still have your TS2004 CD then I believe it was included on that CD. I cannot say if it is a good tutorial or not.
Thanks Paul, I will have to see if I can find my TS2004 CD. I am not sure if I still have it or not. Is there anyplace I can download it from online that you know of, just in case I don't still have it. Thanks, Joe.
Thanks Paul, I will have to see if I can find my TS2004 CD. I am not sure if I still have it or not. Is there anyplace I can download it from online that you know of, just in case I don't still have it. Thanks, Joe.
If you cannot find it then drop me a PM and I will get it to you.

lockheed02, thank you for the info. I will have to look into that. There are quite few images to download. Hi Paul, I did find my old Trainz 2004 box. The docs must be buried on one of the cab files on one of the CDs. I have tried Altap Salamander cab file viewer and InstallShield CAB File Viewer 14.0 to try and find the guide but neither worked. The cab files in Trainz 2004 must be saved in a different format than regular Microsoft cab files. I hate having to install Trainz 2004 just for the docs but I may have to if I can't get into the cab files. Or maybe I will take you up on your offer to get me a copy of the doc if it is not too much of an imposition. Thank you very much.