Session Rules Disappearing


New member
Hi Can anyone help me with this little problem:

Background - My route has portals which should produce pre-built consists at regular time intervals which should then follow a set of instructions from a pre-built schedule. To get this to work I create a consist, save it, create a schedule in the schedule library, save it then go to the portal settings and add the consist, driver and schedule.

The problem is that every time I load up the route to edit it, the session rules have disappeared. So while the existing rules for the portal will be there, to add or edit any I have to build the whole thing from scratch again. If I go to the session rules they have reverted to the default rules so even schedule library will have disappeared. I can re add it to the session rules but then it doesnt show the schedules that I had already built.

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Firstly thank you for a clear explanation of your problem(s). Usually in a first post like this the explanation is often vague and confused.

My first impression is that this reads like a classic "Session Confusion" situation. Session rules, portal settings and schedule library entries are all saved in the Session, not the Route. So if the entered settings and properties that should be in the Session Editor are not being reloaded when you load the Session then I would suspect that a different new Session is being created (and saved) each time you go through this frustrating exercise.

One of several ways to check if this is the case is to start Content Manager, select and right mouse click on your Route then select "List Dependents" (not "Dependencies"). This will list all the Sessions that depend on that Route.

Things to look out for (and be "alarmed" about) are multiple Sessions all named "Default" - this always occurs when you save a Route and a Session without giving the Session its own unique name. My personal rule is to always name the Session when it is created - if I see a Session named "Default" then I know I have "stuffed up".
The problem is that every time I load up the route to edit the session rules have disappeared.

If you are going to have only one Session per Route

From the start Menu:
Click Route (eg BigBend)
Click Edit Session (There is probably one or more default - pick one)
When the Surveyor screen comes up, click the Layers Tab and select Route
add a tree
add a Session Rule

Click Save As:
Route: BigBend
Session: BigBend S

Exit Surveyor.

From the start Menu:
Click Route BigBend
Click Edit Session BigBend S *
When the Surveyor screen comes up, click the Layers Tab and select Route
Make whatever changes. Trains, Tracks, Trees will go into the Route Layer; Session Rules, Commands, etc will go into the Session bucket.
Click Save or QuickDrive
the highlighted defaults should be:
Route: BigBend
Session:BigBend S

If you forget to Change the Layer to Route, just merge Session Layer into the Route Layer.

Commands, Rules, etc. are always linked to the Current Active Session (eg BigBened S) but they are not stored as belonging to the Session Layer - just the Session.

Remember, the above suggested actions only work if you always want just one Session per Route. If you want multiple Sessions there may be better ways.

* This would be a good time to get rid any and all default Sessions. If you see any in the future, you probably got into Surveyor via Edit Route instead of Edit Session.