Script causing bad frame rates?

Hello everyone,

I have noticed my route has started to slow down recently, So decided to investigate the performance stats and removed many of the inefficient spines from the route with success. I now have the route running at regularly at 20FPS. One issue I have noticed is that the frame rate drops significantly to about 5 every so often (about every minute for about 3 seconds, but sometimes it can last a bit longer). In the stats the script opcodes seems to average around 900,000 and my frame rates are fine once it stays below this number. The low frame rate occurs when it this number multiplies to raises above the 900,000 mark and jumps all the way to 2,000,000! I am fairly sure this must be a bad script because there seems to be a direct correlation between the raise in number and drop in and the frame rate. Also worth noting that when I click pause when the opcodes number is high and frames low, that the script opcodes number drops and the frame rate returns to over 20FPS. I thought I would ask here if anyone from experience knows which content could be causing this. I am planning to clone my route and start deleting objects to see if I can find the culprit. Also is it just trains, signals, speed signs and interactive industry's that I would need to investigate? Or do other objects contain scripts which could be causing the issues.

I have recently uploaded a new script library that John Whelan's latest uploaded wagons are using for the first time. So if you have any of these in your routes, that may be a good starting point for isolating the problem. I did however perform a lot of tests using numbers in their hundreds to see if I could improve performance with the library, but the degradation in the performance (on my PC anyway) was negligible once the first wagon had loaded. Before we went ahead with uploading, the script underwent some serious testing by 3 of us in the alpha stage and then a wagon was submitted to our group for a wider beta test, but there were no reports of loss of frame-rate.

If however you do discover that it is these wagons that are causing the problem, please let me or John know, and we can investigate further. This new library is <kuid:69978:100123>.

So far only


Are available on the DLS with the new scripts but there are a number in the pipeline.

Cheerio John

Hi Kess and John,

Thanks for the heads up about the new script. I don't have those assets in my route so glad to tell you that the your new script causing the problem.
