screen message


Cock o' the North
Hi All
1 Can some one please tell me what the message means in the screenshot and what action I should take? It appears as an orange ball at the bottom right corner of the screen at start of surveyor.
2 Also why is it some stations come with passengers and some dont and how do I put passengers on stations that dont have them when the is no information in the description.

3 Can some one please in plain english explain scripting!

It's telling you there is something wrong with a train car, a broken or non existent script.
some platforms are passenger enabled, so they can generate say 20 passengers a minute,a passenger enabled consist arrives and takes them, others obviously are not so you could only put static people on them.
the script bit, go into CMP, select routes, select that specific route your having problems with, right click and view dependancies or errors or dependant assets, each one separately. somewhere it will tell you what asset is giving you the error message. You could even r/click on the route and select download, you may have a missing asset.
Screen message

many thanks, I think by trial and error I will sort that out :)
I think iI know which asset inclusion it appeared after now I have looked at the list in CMP