Quick Drive commands not working!


New member
I have searched all the recent forum topics but unable to find help on this subject. When in Driver in any route in T:ANE some of the options in Quick Drive do not work as they should (or should I say as they did in TS2012. 'DRIVE TO' gives no response and 'NAVIGATE TO' will only run the consist to the first command then no further. The little red bug pops up and the error message is as follows:

"DriverCommandRule:File drivercommandrule.gs,Line 426, ER_Timeout
Unknown:File asset.gs, line 44, ER_Timeout
PBLIB: File pblibmainapi.gs, Line 99, ER_Timeout
PBLIB: File pbliblockapi.gs, Line 99, ER_Timeout
Unknown:File common.gs, Line 369, ER_Timeout

The above is repeated except the line number in the last line is '546' not '369'.

The same happens if using 'Quick Drive Rule V2'

Any help for, or knowledge on, this problem will be appreciated.

There are known issues with some of pguy's commands at the moment in T:ANE. Are you using NavigateToStation V2 or DriveToStation V2?

I would add another question to check if we are looking at the same problem : on which route do you encounter the problem and if you know how many passengers station are included on the route you are using ? Less than 50 ? Between 50 and 150 ? More than 150 ?

thanks in advance for your answer ?


First, let me thank you for all the great assets you have created. I think that often script creators are not appreciated as much as those that create beautiful bridges, but both kinds of assets are needed for Trainz to be successful.

In reference to the timeouts in T:ANE scripts (you posted as well in the Train Dev area) - this seems to have created a problem with many different scripts. It is so frustrating to get a timeout when you know there is nothing wrong with the script, there is just a lot of data to process.

I would love to see the length of the this timeout to be user adjustable (under the developer tag for safety). Then at least the script could be tested properly and modified if the real time for processing becomes excessive.

Thank you again for all your efforts, and for updating all your work to T:ANE standards.

Thanks for your response, I've tried to get the two items you mention but when I tick the check box in 'User Rules - Commands' 1: No tick appears in the check box unless I close then reopen 'Commands' (?) 2: The items do not appear in the commands list when It is opened in 'Driver' to select the command for the consist you want to use. Same with the Navigate to / Drive to Trackmark V2.
I have noticed that if you click the check box more than once (on the assumption that a few clicks will get the tick to appear) that the 'Timeout' error page shows multiple listing for a certain item e.g. 'Unknown'File common.gs, Line 353, ER_Timeout' was listed eight times (Line 370 six times) (Line 352 three times), this is in the box that pops up when you click on the little red bug.
The other oddity is when in 'Driver' if you select a station to drive to then a load command for instance, the drive to icon does not appear in the bar at the bottom of screen but there is a space before the load icon (?) never seen this happen before.
I understand that the fix to this lies with Pierre at 'pguy' but I know you like to hear of these 'bugs', hope the above makes sense.



Thanks for your response.

I have encountered the problem every time I try to use 'Driver' in ECML - Kings Cross to Edinburgh (my main route of interest) but have also encountered the same problem when I tested out 'Driver' in 'Kickstarter County' and 'Healesville 1913 to 1920'. Your other question, and I assume you meant 'how many passengers per station', I had seen reference to this before somewhere and did run through the main stations (Kings Cross, York e.g.) and reduced the numbers but this had no effect on the said problem.



Thanks for your response.

I have encountered the problem every time I try to use 'Driver' in ECML - Kings Cross to Edinburgh (my main route of interest) but have also encountered the same problem when I tested out 'Driver' in 'Kickstarter County' and 'Healesville 1913 to 1920'. Your other question, and I assume you meant 'how many passengers per station', I had seen reference to this before somewhere and did run through the main stations (Kings Cross, York e.g.) and reduced the numbers but this had no effect on the said problem.



No. Just now, from what I have seen in the logs, the timeout problem happens when either DriveToStation or NavigateToStation script initialize their internal data structure on a route with more than 50 to 60 passengers station (not passengers by station, but number of passengers stations and platforms in the current route).

I have looked at the number of passenger stations in all the routes currently included in Tane and got these figures :
- C@O Hinton division : 10 passengers stations
- ECML King Cross - Edinburgh - 72 passengers stations
- Healesville - 1913 - 1920 - 7 passengers stations
- Kickstarter county - 9 passengers stations
- Season town northern RR - 40 passengers stations
- The Bidye traction railroad - 0 passenger station
- Warwick - Wallangara - 3 passengers station
So with these numbers, there is no doubt that the commands do not work currently on ECML - King Cross route. What I don't understand is that you got also some problems on Kickstarter county and Healesville which have a number of passenger station that should be compatible with the current initialization method of DriveTostation and NavigateToSTation.

Neither mind, I am about to finish a new version of the pglib library (which is the library asset including the bad initialization method) with some optimized methods that should enable to support about 150 passengers station. The new code will also detect if there are more stations than the limit supported and will avoid the timeout by terminating initialization with some adequate messages when this situation happens. I will post a link to a cdp to beta test this new version as soon as it is ready for beta testing.

This will be only an intermediate fix, as my intention is to find a solution for routes with more than 150 passenger stations, but this will need certainly some asynchronous initialization methods under a secondary thread and with some processing splitted in several successive slices, and ... you will not be surprised that this will be a big change in the script logic and will need much more time to be fixed.

For Shane, your test route has much more stations than these limits (I had once in a log a debug message which founded 190 passengers station ...), but your route has some other problems under Tane as it crashes back to OS when you quit the route (either saving or not the session) and Chris did not find anything usefull in the associated dump. That is why just now I am trying to fix the DTS/NTS problem on some other more stable routes, but when this will be done I will come back to your route to try to find what are the others problems ( that may be or not linked to the number of passengers stations).

You should have some new post with a link for a beta version of the fix either tomorrow or next week, as I will be out and not able to work on the problem this Friday and next week end.

Thankyou for the update regarding my route Pierre. I haven't had any crashes yet when exiting so not sure what's causing that one.

... I am about to finish a new version of the pglib library (which is the library asset including the bad initialization method) with some optimized methods that should enable to support about 150 passengers station. The new code will also detect if there are more stations than the limit supported and will avoid the timeout by terminating initialization with some adequate messages when this situation happens. I will post a link to a cdp to beta test this new version as soon as it is ready for beta testing. ...

As previously announced, a new version 22 of asset pglib (the library used by DriveToStation and NavigateToStation) should fix most cases of the timeout problem and is now available for beta testing. The cdp is available at this link : Kuid2-61392-4001-22-pglib . This asset version is TS12 / TANE compatible, should enhance performance in TS12 and should solve most cases of the timeout problem in Tane for routes with less than 150 passengers stations. For routes with more than 150 passengers stations, the asset should avoid the timeout error by limiting DTS and NTS target stations to only the first 150 passengers stations in the route. It has been already tested on a few routes on Trainz MAC 2 and MAC TANE not on TS2012 neither PC TANE.

A new version is currently under development to support more than 150 stations,but will not be available for beta testing before a few weeks.

Let me know either via this forum or via private message the results of your tests. Version 22 of pglib asset will be uploaded on DLS as soon as it is confirmed the fix works and does not break anything.

Have some good beta testing.

Last edited:
For users of DriveToStation or NavigateToStation, an update of pglib library. (<kuid2:61392:4001:22>) is now available on DLS and should fix the timeout error encountered by these commands under TANE. This version is TS2012 compatible and should improve these driver commands script performance under TS2012 even there are no timeout problems under TS2012.
