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I have a few queries. How do i replace assets using the replace assets window? Also does anyone know a good underground tunnel.Do not tell me the LUL Tunnel by spanner as it does not lood the textures.
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I have a few queries. How do i replace assets using the replace assets window? Also does anyone know a good underground tunnel.Do not tell me the LUL Tunnel by spanner as it does not lood the textures.

In 2009, open the Replace Assets dialog box. Drag the name of the asset you want to replace from the selection list on whatever asset type you are displaying on the right side of the surveyor screen (rolling stock, track, track objects, or whatever) to the Replace Assets left side box. Drag the object you want to replace it with to the right side box. Click on the Replace button.

Hope I'm explaining this coherently; I'm writing this at work, so I can't see the actual screen. So this is from memory.
There are some assets which can not be replaced in this way (I believe from memory that this applies to bridges) and a warning will pop up to advise you of this. Manual replacement is then the only option.

I have TS2010, and the first tunnel on the list when you type in "tunnel", is AJS Tunnel 1 trk or something like that. it works good for me and has lights on the ceiling.