Programme Freezing


New member

In a previous post I was looking for suggestions on what could be causing the programme to freeze at a particular point on a layout of mine. After checking any faulty assets such as:

RC engine Kuid:93502:94
Mini Coach Kuid:93502:10065
miniature Steam Engine Kuid:93502:76

All of which have a vast amount of errors but still work. It turns out the culprit was a sound file, People Talking Kuid:82763:1119 which shows no errors. However it appears this asset does not like being placed near other sound files such as Circus 1 or Roller Coaster. (Just in case your wondering why I need these assets, I built a circus/amusement park).

I do have one other question though. Does anyone know why Cab assets are now either N/A or unknown? As I rather liked the Cab Island Dolphin. (Jumping shoal of dolphins) which is no longer available.

Many Thanks