Problem with <kuid:-25:622>


New member

I have downloaded an asset, and there was a missing dependency invisible bogey <kuid:-25:622>

I located it, downloaded it, installed it, and there were no errors upon installing it, only a warning to say that it already existed, and was replaced. Yet, this invisible bogey STILL has a red exclamation mark next to it, and no matter how many time I drag that
<kuid:-25:622> cdp into the content manager, (it warns that it already exists) it still shows up as a missing dependency with a red exclamation mark. I am using trainz 2009 WB
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I have downloaded an asset, and there was a missing dependency invisible bogey <kuid:-25:622>

I located it, downloaded it, installed it, and there were no errors upon installing it, only a warning to say that it already existed, and was replaced. Yet, this invisible bogey STILL has a red exclamation mark next to it, and no matter how many time I drag that
<kuid:-25:622> cdp into the content manager, (it warns that it already exists) it still shows up as a missing dependency with a red exclamation mark. I am using trainz 2009 WB

What does it say if you show errors and warnings?

You could of course just change the invisible bogey for any other one, they are all effectively the same.
<kuid:-25:622> is a built-in asset. Why are you seeing is something is faulty and your asset needs something repaired. What exactly are the errors and warnings? To get that info, right-click on the asset in Content Manager and pick View Errors and Warnings from the list. This will display what's wrong and you can copy and paste that information here.

You do need to register your Trainz installation. If you have trouble registering, contact the helpdesk via the button above at the top of the forum page.
-25:622 is an invisible boggy, introduced after TS12SP1.
For TS2009, use -10:149 instead.
Edit config files if needed.
which config files? the -25:622 one? I already tried to replace -25:622 with the file below with -10:149

kuid <kuid:-25:622>

0 <kuid:-10:149>
kind "bogey"
asset-filename "invisible_bogey"
username-cz "neviditelný_podvozek"
username-hu "invisible_bogey"
username-pl "niewidzialny_wózek"
username-ru "Тележка_невидимая"
username-it "carrello_invisibile"
username-nl "onoverwinnelijk_bogey"
username-es "invisible_bogey"
username-fr "invisible_bogey"
username-jp "不可視_ボギー車"
username-de "invisible_bogie"

width 240
height 180
image "thumbnail_0.jpg"

What does it say if you show errors and warnings?

You could of course just change the invisible bogey for any other one, they are all effectively the same.

It says the following:

'yellow! Replaced 'invisible bogey' because it is already installed' and ' blue i Installed asset <kuid:-25:622>'

how do I change an invisible bogey?
<kuid:-25:622> is a built-in asset. Why are you seeing is something is faulty and your asset needs something repaired. What exactly are the errors and warnings? To get that info, right-click on the asset in Content Manager and pick View Errors and Warnings from the list. This will display what's wrong and you can copy and paste that information here.

You do need to register your Trainz installation. If you have trouble registering, contact the helpdesk via the button above at the top of the forum page.

It says the following:

yellow ! Progressive meshes are no longer supported by CCP. Though these meshes may work in Trainz, it is recommended that you switch to a LOD mesh.
red x : Unable to load mesh file: 'content 7jhax6mg19\invisible_bogey_shadow\'
Thus asset is STILL causing issues, in my copy of 2019 sp4 its shown as built in, but its ALSO shown as missing when it part of a locos dependencies , go figure, I substituted it and now after about 2 hours work I have Ben Neals reskin of NP 2-8-0 as DRGW 607 in game, had to dig deep in the old cdp archive to get this working.

Isnt trainz wonderful ? So relaxing.
Nothing I enjoy more then looking for unknown assets for hours:).
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