New Screen Shot Web Site


Trainz Addict
Hi Everyone! :D

I've just created a new web site for the community for posting and sharing virtual railroad screen shots. Please check it out and share your virtual photos:

It's just getting started, so right now there are only a few dozen shots posted, most of which I took from my other railroad photography web sites, I need your help getting more up there!

It's completely free to use.


- Jeff
Hi Jeff,

I really do wish you all the best with this venture. I had a similar site running for about six months for winners of the Trainz Screenshot of the Week Competition. In all that time I could only get 3 people to contribute. I eventually closed the section down ad started my own gallery from what I considered to be the best screenshots in the forums.

Here's the link

I seldom update it because the gallery really doesn't generate that much interest.

Good luck and if I can help in any way, please let me know.

Thanks for the link John, those are some great shots that you picked.

I don't know if my site will catch on or not, but I've been running several other railroad photo sites for quite a while now, and those have actually become very popular, so it seemed like a natural extension of that to create the screen shots sites for virtual railroads. I reused the code for those sites, so I didn't need to start from scratch, so at least it's not a lot of risk if it doesn't catch on. (But of course I hope it will.) :D

I've been a railfan, model railroader, and toy train collector my whole life and have even worked for a shortline for a while, so you could say I'm a bit obsessed. :)

Good luck and if I can help in any way, please let me know.

Well... post your screen shots! Hehehe. :D

These are the links to my other sites btw:

North American Railroad Photos -
New England Railroad Photos -
Model Railroad Photos -
Transit Photos -

- Jeff
Possibly because of the screenshots forum?

The screenshots forum here is great, but I really wanted to create something a little different... something with more features, for instance you can browse shots on my site by date, by railroad, by poster, etc. Someone who posts photos can post a link to just their photos on their own site if they want, things like that. I plan on adding the ability for users to comment on individual shots soon, maybe a forum, etc.

I also wanted something that was platform neutral; Trainz and other train simulators, artwork, renderings, etc.

So it may catch on, it may not, but I'm just hoping that some folks will find it useful and fun. As I said above, I'm a train nut, so why not? :)

- Jeff
Possibly because of the screenshots forum?

The problem with the forum is that things get lost two weeks later. My intention was to list every winning SS of the week in date order so that people could look back and compare. Try that on the Trainz Forums. You can't even find the winning SS for last week unless you have two hours to spare.

Good luck jeff.