New Forum open


TrainzForge Advisor
There is a new forum open, please click on my bannerand follow it to my site
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I will be promoting 5 people to outside moderater and anyone who wishes to join my creation team may contact me as well through the contact us form on my webpage

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Cool forum. Is it about PRR-related Trainz topics, etc.?

As big and broad in scope as this forum is, smaller forums more focused on specific regions or whatever may be helpful for those who share common Trainz topics.

what I could do is have a main forum and add a sub forum for PRR stuff
would that help?


Well, I was simply asking about what the scope of the "Trainz Pennsylvania Forum" would be. Is it really for Pennsylvania-related Trainz topics? Am I getting warm? :p If so, it may actually be a good idea for sub-forums for different Pennsylvania railways.

Some people will probably like that forum. The Screenshots forum in this forum is so long and some threads are so goliath in size, that the Wikipedia phrase "Too long; didn't read" can really apply here. :eek: Having a forum focused on a particular region or interest of the Trainz community might help split up those huge areas and make the applicability of "Too long; didn't read" a bit lower. ;)

It is a main trainz forum for everything, but has a sub category for
-modeliing info
-trainz content

Good show, my man! Trainz onward! I'm more of a narrowgauge train man, but I'll come over and take a look.

much appreciated, might release some narrow gauge layouts in the future, was thinking about the East Broad Top RR. Ever Heard of It?;)

Oh sure. The EBT was a great little shortline with lots of coal, rock, and lumber. Good start for a NG route.

As a current moderator for the site i would like to have more people..
Help this guy out PLEASE !! or i will do this :eek::eek:
Also who dosent wanna be a modarator?? right
Not to be a party pooper, but a screenshot forum, or any forum on a small 3rd party website is not going to get much attention by the community. Most people prefer to use the official forums here, or on popular websites, such as Trainz Pro Routes and Trainz Commuter Rail.
Hey I might get there, but I do understand your point. This has a special category on it specifically for prr modeling plus content support for my stuff when it is released.

Tomahawk if you register on my forum I will sign you up.

Current polices and lack of support may drive people to other outlets other than here. Don't be so quick to judge other users frustrations of a program built around third party contributers.

The DLS is proving frustrating at the moment. A lot of third party contributers aren't buying in as well. Wouldn't take a whole lot to shift to third party sites, since they are the contributors to this program.
The DLS is definately frustrating no doubt, but third party contributors are a huge help. Me and many others try to make content that more than just 2009/10 users can have, as of now all of my trains routes are for06 and airports are for 10 compatability mode only.

Sparky would you like to sign up, just head to the forum and follow directions
