Missing Switches?

NOTICE: I didn't know if this was the right thread, so move it if you need to Mods.
I got a new route, one that I'm happy to finally have all of the deps for. I launch Trainz, open the route and... a large bunch of switches are missing!
When I was looking at the deps earlier, one "Switch Remote Alstorm" was Faulty, but it was missing the Thumbnail so I ignored it. Maybe thats the issue or maybe it's a Layer issue, anybody know?

"Switch Remote Alstorm" was Faulty, but it was missing the Thumbnail so I ignored it.
if trainz-build is 3.3 or greater, the asset requires Thumbnail. Or Thumbnail container in config only.
Open the Switch Remote Alstorm in the CMP and right click whatever word is at the top of the left pane. Choose "Add Thumbnails Container". Then right click the "thumbnails" and choose "add thumbnail". Now in the right pane choose an image (click the [...] button) - pick any image that comes up, it doesn't matter. Save, and commit.

Should now be error free and should appear correctly in the route.
This is a bit late, but how do I edit the thumbnail area? If I go into CCP it doesn't let me do anything, I don't think going into Explorer or Script will work either.

This is a bit late, but how do I edit the thumbnail area? If I go into CCP it doesn't let me do anything, I don't think going into Explorer or Script will work either.


I don't see why that won't work, but give this a try.

Right-click on the asset.
Choose Open for edit in Windows Explorer.

--- A window will open up showing the contents.

----- Create a thumbnail image using a normal paint program.
Make the image 240 x 180
Save the image as a jpg and copy into the folder that CM opened up for you.

Edit the config.txt file using Notepad. Windows with should open the file automatically if you double-click on it since Notepad is used by default for text files.

Add in the following section:

image "thumbnail.jpg"
width 240
height 180

You can call "thumbnail.jpg" whatever you wish. Just reference that file in this section.

Save the config.txt file.
Close the Explorer window.
Commit the asset, and you should be good to go.
