Missing KUIDS


Back to the studio!
I have downloaded the Scania Cl94UB from bustrainz.ucoz.ru and it has several missing KUIDS
Unknown Location: <kuid:343316:79001>
Unknown Location: <kuid:343316:79002>
Unknown Location: <kuid:343316:79102>
Unknown Location: <kuid:343316:79104>
Unknown Location: <kuid:343316:79124>
Does anyone know what they are and where to find them? I have tried searching google and bustrainz for the kuids with no success.
Okay maybe i it is mid morning in the US, but there are still people in the UK and Europe on here they can still answer.
'Unknown KUIDs' are usually some piece of content that a content creator used in making an item but then forgot to package as a dependency (and has never made available on the DLS either - often they're something trivial as a small texture or custom sound file).

Sadly all you can do is try and contact the original creator of that content - which in your case would probably mean having to contact the webmaster of that site and to see if they can supply the missing items. However, being a Russian site, it's likely they may not understand English very well (if at all), making communication difficult if not impossible.

I did try searching both the DLS and Planet Auran for that user number (the first six digits in those KUIDs) and both came up with nothing. So I'm sorry there isn't much you can do in this case sadly.