Merge Route Patch TRS12


New member

Does anyone know when the Patch for merging routes will be released for TRS12 ? Its a real pain not having this working properly

Hi PJ,

You and a gazillion other folks would love to know. I wish a patch would happen soon because there are things I want to do with my mega-route that require deleting and merging, and these things are impossible to do because of the current crashing issue.

Only speculation.
We are in the middle of October and i'm becoming to think, that we won't get the patch (SP1 for TS12), but new edition TS2014 in the spring of 2013. It seems so, and if it is so, then it's very sad.
How does one attach a date to the speculation?

Let us say that's the provocation to N3V, it would be useful that they make the statement. I'm waiting on this patch since the winter of this year(2012), when i stop working on the project DB together.
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Hi Guys

Thanks for your replies and thoughts. It is a shame that NV3 remain silent on this issue when it clearly affects so many of us, I would have hoped they could have treated

us like adults and if nothing is going to be forthcoming before the release of TRS2014 then they should say so now.

Hi Guys

Thanks for your replies and thoughts. It is a shame that NV3 remain silent on this issue when it clearly affects so many of us, I would have hoped they could have treated

us like adults and if nothing is going to be forthcoming before the release of TRS2014 then they should say so now.


Well tipping their hand on a new product may not be a good idea, but letting us know if any patches are forthcoming would be nice.

I too am disappointed as well, and every time I log into the forums, I check the announcements for something like "New patch available for TS12".

I think I read somewhere on the forum that 49922 was the last of TS12

It was the last patch and it was supposed to fix some boiler pressure issues, but i still can't raise steam pressure with or without auto fireman! And it would be nice to merge some routes together, I wonder if Playstation or Xbox or Secondlife gamers have these sorts of issues with their games after 10 years of "development", considering this is an issue that the software developers should have ironed in the first few months after release, and there weren't any issues merging routes on TRS2006.

I'm starting to doubt whether us consumers will ever get a complete and trouble free release of this game EVER!!!
If you ever get a "complete and trouble free release" of ANY game, I think that would be a miracle.



You couldn't have said that any better :)

...and this is only a game! (Sorry for the reality slap, folks!)

Imagine this happening with software that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars more than this. There are business packages that cost $50,000 plus just for the program, and this doesn't count the $50,000 to $75,000 per year maintenance and licensing costs, that have the same issue and worse. So it doesn't matter how much you pay, you're going to see the same thing. The bigger software companies are worse to respond too. At least N3V acknowledged the problem is there and is working to fix it at some point, whether this happens now or not. We don't know and can only speculate when a patch will or will not come out. It would be nice if someone said something though because I think this issue is a pressing one.

We have to remember too that when fixing one bug another worse one maybe unleashed. This is because of the way the code is intertwined around its self and how things are linked together from other parts of the program. So for the dev team to fix this one may have other implications making this one a bit more difficult than it appears to be in the first place.

Dzien50 is talking about the patch for merging in TS12. We know that merge worked in past without problem. The question is: is not working merge function a bug or no. Don't forget, it's a essential function in TS, not a marginal mistake or error in software.
Dzien50 is talking about the patch for merging in TS12. We know that merge worked in past without problem. The question is: is not working merge function a bug or no. Don't forget, it's a essential function in TS, not a marginal mistake or error in software.

Very true it is an essential part of the program. However... What broke this when the program was updated? This is the problem they have to find out because fixing the merging may break something else.

Very true it is an essential part of the program. However... What broke this when the program was updated? This is the problem they have to find out because fixing the merging may break something else.


That's no apology for not working merge and the silent from N3v about SP1