loss of locomotives

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i lost the large majority of JR locomotives. the loss has come from engine sand, ditch lights, 48" 10 blade fans. and diesel fuel. i went to JR and didn't find a answer so i'm putting out to the forum to see how to re coup the assets. the other engines i have are not a problem if they don't use the 4 items mentioned before. without this i lose the game since i have collected a lot of payware.
i really do not want to lose the game for 4 items that i cannot find to download.
no i haven't been answered. i have 4 items killing my game. i really do not know how to get these item back to continue the game. no problem with rrmods just jr. you would think the items would be found in the dependencies. i just want to know what has happened to a lot of pay ware gathered through the years in just a day.
i am sorry this bothers you but trainz is all i have being a 76 year old retiree. i could fix it if i knew where the items are.
sorry again
If you still have a login on the jointedrail.com website, and see your items, then all is not lost.
I would try to uninstall them, then reinstall them.
Check to see if any of the dependencies are open for edit after that. If so, use the revert function to close them from editing.
That is all I can offer you.
i lost the large majority of JR locomotives. the loss has come from engine sand, ditch lights, 48" 10 blade fans. and diesel fuel. i went to JR and didn't find a answer so i'm putting out to the forum to see how to re coup the assets. the other engines i have are not a problem if they don't use the 4 items mentioned before. without this i lose the game since i have collected a lot of payware.
i really do not want to lose the game for 4 items that i cannot find to download.

We have tried to help with this problem and it leads to frustrations on both sides. You always claim to have done nothing but "turned computer yesterday... and saw nothing but red" somehow and missing 4 key items that are making JR items "a total nightmare".

You claim to be missing:

<kuid2:30671:925059004:1> or engine sand - Nobody understands how this is possible because it is built-in or on the DLS and has never been included with a JR item
<kuid:-3:10011> or diesel fuel - same situation. This item is built-in to most versions
<kuid2:45324:10100:x> Ditchlight - there is a DLS version and a built-in version (ts22 has :7)
<kuid2:45324:85308:x> EMD 48in 10 Blade Fan - DLS version available, and comes with each loco that needs it.

You have never been able to explain any information that helps us help you, however inexplicably you have the names of the items, so you must have them installed somehow. You do not follow the steps to check the items or revert them where necessary, just a repeat of your claims or another broken English post. We can probably eventually help you, but you have to listen to instructions and not run away to a new post every time.

you need a Club Car membership to contact them now!

This is not true. Do not spread misinformation.
We have tried to help with this problem and it leads to frustrations on both sides. You always claim to have done nothing but "turned computer yesterday... and saw nothing but red" somehow and missing 4 key items that are making JR items "a total nightmare".

You claim to be missing:

<kuid2:30671:925059004:1> or engine sand - Nobody understands how this is possible because it is built-in or on the DLS and has never been included with a JR item
<kuid:-3:10011> or diesel fuel - same situation. This item is built-in to most versions
<kuid2:45324:10100:x> Ditchlight - there is a DLS version and a built-in version (ts22 has :7)
<kuid2:45324:85308:x> EMD 48in 10 Blade Fan - DLS version available, and comes with each loco that needs it.

You have never been able to explain any information that helps us help you, however inexplicably you have the names of the items, so you must have them installed somehow. You do not follow the steps to check the items or revert them where necessary, just a repeat of your claims or another broken English post. We can probably eventually help you, but you have to listen to instructions and not run away to a new post every time.

This is not true. Do not spread misinformation.
How come it shows it when i got to Send a Help Desk Support Ticket ON JOINTEDRAIL Website that I need a Club Car membership inorder to ask for help with an item... Tried it 6 years ago and Gave UP!
We have tried to help with this problem and it leads to frustrations on both sides. You always claim to have done nothing but "turned computer yesterday... and saw nothing but red" somehow and missing 4 key items that are making JR items "a total nightmare".

You claim to be missing:

<kuid2:30671:925059004:1> or engine sand - Nobody understands how this is possible because it is built-in or on the DLS and has never been included with a JR item
<kuid:-3:10011> or diesel fuel - same situation. This item is built-in to most versions
<kuid2:45324:10100:x> Ditchlight - there is a DLS version and a built-in version (ts22 has :7)
<kuid2:45324:85308:x> EMD 48in 10 Blade Fan - DLS version available, and comes with each loco that needs it.

You have never been able to explain any information that helps us help you, however inexplicably you have the names of the items, so you must have them installed somehow. You do not follow the steps to check the items or revert them where necessary, just a repeat of your claims or another broken English post. We can probably eventually help you, but you have to listen to instructions and not run away to a new post every time.

This is not true. Do not spread misinformation.
Thank you for clearing that up! In regards, to the misleading information I had received in a response above.
How come it shows it when i got to Send a Help Desk Support Ticket ON JOINTEDRAIL Website that I need a Club Car membership inorder to ask for help with an item... Tried it 6 years ago and Gave UP!
I am sure that @norfolksouthern37 (as the owner of JR) would not like being addressed that way, and told that he is wrong about is own website…
Correct me if I am wrong Justin. 👍🏼
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There's a difference between 6 years ago and today. Whatever support system we were using then likely didn't work if you had no site account. That it had to be clubcar is something I do not recall but I can assure you it isn't like that today.
yes i have been told that but it does nothing. i even tried getting off the downloads in JR website and it did nothing. all i know is the content manager shows no problem, but the game is all red. i have taken care of the problems for most of them. telling me to go and check for "open for edit" was not even close. like i told yuour person i have never had any problems with your stuff until recently.
i am not trying to stir up trouble but this was incredible. i lost the workings of the game without the locomotives and tank cars because of the diesel fuel.
after changing email address and trying to rebuild the game to the point of actually purchasing replacement i have just about got the game back to square one, almost.
look i am sorry to cause al this trouble but it has totally freaked me out about the crap 2 days ago. like i said i have been trainzing for close to 20 years and it seems like the game is getting really complicated.
i still like the game, it gives me 76 year old retiree something to do it seems like maybe i will have the thing up and running. some things seem to be repairing themselves with the trying to download missing assets.
once again i apologize.
once again i was not attacking you or your company but yours is the only one who stop working.

Your only remaining option is to show us what you are seeing, because telling us you are a 76 year old retiree again and again can not help us help you.

  • Checking for items that are "open for edit" is probably the first step in any of our support because while we try to avoid the occurrence 99% of the time a broken item is caused by having a dependency open for edit and not submitted to the database.
  • Purchasing the same items again can not help you; you will only get the same item.
  • The diesel fuel asset is already part of the game; it cant be given to you or downloaded it is already there.
  • Trainz assets do not repair or damage themselves; whatever is occurring is likely from some action you have taken on the database. It is not possible to turn on the pc one day and see all red items as you have described without you having done something else first.

With that out of the way, please just show us the messages CM is displaying to you. Right click a sampling of the items and choose "View errors and warnings" and show the contents of that - do not describe them, show them in an image so we can see what is going on. There is a way to correct this.
i want rhis to end. why are these items showing up as red in the content manager? if i new that this will never happen again. as for buying again they are no longer in the downloads for me since the change of email address.
i will not bother again since i cannot take the crap i got from the forum. if it doesn't work so be it.
i did not invite that moron to invade my computer nor did i tell the computer guy to delete files from trainz. actually i gave him a list of what to keep.
if i have offended you i'm sorry
i'm trying to get over this whole deal.
i want rhis to end. why are these items showing up as red in the content manager? if i new that this will never happen again. as for buying again they are no longer in the downloads for me since the change of email address.
i will not bother again since i cannot take the crap i got from the forum. if it doesn't work so be it.
i did not invite that moron to invade my computer nor did i tell the computer guy to delete files from trainz. actually i gave him a list of what to keep.
if i have offended you i'm sorry
i'm trying to get over this whole deal.
Do a Database Repair. Should fix it.
There's a difference between 6 years ago and today. Whatever support system we were using then likely didn't work if you had no site account. That it had to be clubcar is something I do not recall but I can assure you it isn't like that today.
have had a site account for the last decade and a half since your company first started........
i want rhis to end. why are these items showing up as red in the content manager? if i new that this will never happen again. as for buying again they are no longer in the downloads for me since the change of email address.
i will not bother again since i cannot take the crap i got from the forum. if it doesn't work so be it.
i did not invite that moron to invade my computer nor did i tell the computer guy to delete files from trainz. actually i gave him a list of what to keep.
if i have offended you i'm sorry
i'm trying to get over this whole deal.

Like @DARTrider suggested, a DBR might fix it. From the answer @norfolksouthern37 gave you, I understand that the assets you are having trouble with are either built-in or included with the JR downloads. If you cannot get them to work after getting helpful instructions multiple times, and they are “killing” your game, maybe something is amiss with your database? Maybe try an Extended DBR (Ctrl-DBR button)? If there is any corrupted data on your computer, there is nothing JR can do. Also, “the crap [you] got from the forum” has actually been repeated helpful answers from JR and fellow Trainzers. Give them credit for trying to help, as you have not given them adequate information or simply been thankful. In my experience, a little gratitude goes a long way! 😉

My thoughts.
With that out of the way, please just show us the messages CM is displaying to you. Right click a sampling of the items and choose "View errors and warnings" and show the contents of that - do not describe them, show them in an image so we can see what is going on.
EJB, did you read this part?
why are these items showing up as red in the content manager?

Nobody will ever know because you refuse to tell us. This is why we cannot help! I, my support guy, the forums, they have all attempted to help you but you simply will not provide the requested information. You only make another thread or begin discussing another thing. You are not offending anyone, but you are being very frustrating by not answering questions.

have had a site account for the last decade and a half since your company first started........

Idk why you are being combative about something like this. One does not have to be a Club Car member to use support at jointedrail.com and it never has been that way. This isn't an argument, it just is the way things are. You also no longer have to even have an account to submit a ticket - something that was done by request for those who lost their password and the other methods listed didn't work. So please - just stop.

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