Library defunct?


Well-known member
I thought a fresh install was a good idea ahead of a fault finding mission.
The Schedule Library is now missing from the install, instead of transfering a faulty Library and messing up the install is there another way of feeding industries, as required, instead of aimlessly circling the map?
What was the KUID of the Schedule Library you had previously? There are a few on the DLS, including <kuid2:400048:100446:2> Schedule Library, or the much earlier version from brummfondel; <kuid2:192081:12:5> Schedule Library.
In any event, there are certainly better ways to feed industries than existing schedule libraries allow whilst the new TLR effort by N3V is currently in alpha, though way off prime time at present...
Recommend use M.I.N. industries like <kuid2:647907:100648:3> CDE Multiple Industry New in your routes to allow you to create excellent supply and delivery chains based on the largest range of commodities available during session creation efforts. More work initially, but far better results.
I have many industries and MINs set up. The way the Schedule was set up was when an industry commodity fell to a certain level a waiting consist topped it up then set for another load then back to wait on the next call.
This I have been doing since TRS10 now it seems to be scuppered.
From what I can gather from the German website the later Library seems to be aimed at passenger traffic - I could be wrong.
The Schedule Library is built-in. You need to check the box next to it when you set up the rules and also don't forget to check the box next to Copy Commands from.
Why Copy Commands? I've never found a use for this so far.
When using the Schedule Library Rule, you need to use the Copy Commands from... driver command to insert the schedule into the driver's command queue.

The Schedule Library allows you to set up schedules ahead of time and then add them in one piece to the driver's command queue using the Copy Commands from... driver command. You always have to use Insert from Library because the other options are flaky and never operated as intended even in the early days.

What's nice is once the commands extract from the single Copy Commands from driver command can be edited on the fly as if you had placed them yourself. What you can't do, however, is make these changes to the library version without editing the session. The other thing that's nice is if you multiple AI-driven trains that use the same schedule, you can add this schedule to all the drivers, making setup much faster and easier.

This is by far one of the most useful session-rule and command-combination we have.
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