Let us have a moment of silence please


New member
Dear All,

It has been 9 years ago today that terrorists attacked the United States of America in New York, Washington DC, and a Pennsylvaina field and that 2996 people were killed. Let us take a brief moment of silence to remeber the victims and their families.

Thank you.
I feel sorry for them and their family members as well,my prayers goes out to them as well!:(
Its hard for me to really realize what happened on that tragic Day. My thoughts and prayers too the families..
My prayers, too, go out to all those who lost their lives in the towers, and in the plane crash in Pennsylvania. I pray for the families of them. I also pray for the families of the firemen, paramedics, police officers, etc.

Thank you all,
R.I.P Those who perished in the attacks. Also rest in peace the 343 Firefighters, Port Authority, and NYPD Police officers that perished. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.

Take care,

So many innocent people who where unjustly taken from this world. And so many very brave people; who tried to help and who sadly lost their lives. This infamous tragedy must never be forgotten. My thoughts and prayers are with them all and with every family member and friend who lost someone on that tragic and unnecessary day.

With respect

To all the fire fighters on that day

Many years ago I used to be a Fire Fighter in NZ and I gave it up because of turning up to car crashers involveing youn people that were drund and behinde the wheel.
For me it dosen't matter what part of the world you live if you are a fire fightet old or new you are part of a huge Family.
And to my Lost Brothers In the USA on that Fateful day you are gone but well never be forgotten.
Rest in peace Boys rest in peace
Chris NZ
My thoughts and Prayers are with those who were taken from us for no reason,And for those still fighting because of that day.
With Respect.
It was a very tragic day for so many people, those killed, their families and the USA and also the World. It was a day when an extremist group of religious fanatics tried to force their will on so many.


I will never forget that day. I was 7 years old, living in an Apartment in the Antelope Valley of Palmdale California. I awoke late, becouse my mom didnt wake me up, and walked into the living room to see my mom in front of the TV. She had only clicked on when it was after the second plane had hit. She saw the first tower fall before I woke up. I came in, and sat down. We talked a bit, and as soon as she rounded the corner to go the the bathroom, the second tower started to fall. I quickly screamed "Mommy! Mommy! The second tower is falling!!". She thought it was just a rerun of the first tower at first, but I was screaming franticly, and she bolted back around the corner just as it was falling. No school that day. I had no Idea of what had happened. I kept trying to piece together what had happened.

Fast forward 9 years. I am in High School, and in a JROTC program in my school distric. Yesterday, 9/10, we had a ceromony in honor of those fallen. Today, we had a fundraiser car wash. At the exact moment of the 1st tower falling, we had a moment of silence.

Always Remember, Never forget.
I can not believe its been 9 years since it happened. I remember waking and seeing it all happening on TV, It was surreal.

To the families and friends of the innocent people lost on that tragic day, Our familes thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Trent and family
9 years ago today was a very sad day, i must say. sadly, i think everyone around here has forgotten about it already. i heard nothing about it anywhere i went today. it was a sad day i U.S. history, and i hope people remember what happened on this day that way it wont repeat itself again in not-so distant future
In January of 1941 there was an official US Government cablegram warning of an impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but as we were at "Peace Time" the information was treated as a rumor. Several weeks prior to the planned attack Pearl Harbor there was increased Japanese radio chatter. But in the days just before the attack on Pearl Harbor there was an erie silence of no communication whatsoever, as the Japanese fleet was on ordered complete radio silence. Possibly as much as 30 minutes prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor there was a US radar operator phoning his superior officer that "Many" planes were comming from the northwest. The commander told the radio operator to dismiss the report and radar blips, as several incomming US B-17's were presumed to be causing the the sighting. If US planes were scrambled, possibly the Japanese attack would have been much lessened. We were warned, and chose to ignore.

In the early 1990's there was increased chatter being monitored that foriegn enimies were training for flight simulation and pilot training. In the early 1990's there was much more chatter from terrorist training sites with specific plans to attack the Pentagon, and especially the World Trade Center, specifically using hijacked US airliners, that were to be purposely kamakazied into skyscrapers on US soil. The warning was put on the back burner. In 1993, 1100 lbs of high explosive was calmly driven underground in a rental van, and was detonated in the basement garage of the World Trade Center. How were we so blind, as to not see it comming, again ?

Even after the repairs were made to the World Trade Center, there were years, and years of increased chatter of terrorists actively planning on their prize of finally, once and for all, "Getting The Twin Towers", a symbol of the US society. NORAD actually had a reaction scenario planned of exactly what to do if, and when, the World Trade Center was attacked, specfically if terrorists used remote control planes, or used kamakazi tactics. These years, and years of active terrorist chatter were monitored, but how were we somehow caught off gaurd, again ?

The FBI and CIA district headquarters were just a short distance from the Ground Zero, and they were heavily damaged, when terrorists purposely carried out a decade old, diabolically evil, devilishly simplistic masterminded (kamakazi), premeditated plot, and to drop two buildings right on top the US Government Inteligence Agencies.

I pray that your Country never fails you again, as they did that day, allowing thousands of innocent civilians to be left in harms way.

Nice words and prayers will never bring back the tragic loss of thousands of innocent civilian lives, and thousands and thousands deaths of worldwide brave soldiers !

If you search back through history the number of bombing incidents, from the cruise ship Achille Lauro, Lockerbie, London, Madrid, ...etc...etc...etc... up to 9-11, and they are still happening worldwide in these receint months, as there are still dozens, and dozens, and dozens of attacks by terrorists. Lets not forget about all those lives lost worldwide too ... and we should remember them all.
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You have put into words that which i could not. I lost my younger brother in the Twin Towers. He was on a business trip there. We only got a small amount of his remains sent to us. As you know, many bodies were never recovered. The impact of the falling debris made it impossible to identify all of them. For what we got back my family are truly thankful and we will always remember our American friends.

I too, have a story about that year. Was only 29 days before that I lost everything I owned in a house fire they said was the hottest in the county's history, even melted cast iron! I was driving for a pet transport company when the towers were hit. It was very early in the morning in the painted hills of Arizona. The man on the radio was making jokes, and then he said the towers were just hit. I thought it was a bad joke and turned off the radio. Later, on my co-driver's shift, after I woke up, he told me about it. Being a vet of over 17 years, I felt i needed to do something personally and said to him that maybe I should go to New York. He called his mother, the owner of the company, and we turned around and went there to help with rescue. Many of the survivors spoke intimately to me about their experiences in those buildings and I will never forget a man telling me his wife stand at the window to see the first plane hit the other tower. Then when the second plane hit just below their apartment, she died of a heart attack. This man opened his heart to me, a total stranger, and like many, shared the pain. I still have pains about my personal lose which changed my life forever, and 9/11 changed America and the world forever!
I pray that your Country never fails you again, as they did that day, allowing thousands of innocent civilians to be left in harms way.
911 was a terrible day that I remember following via the BBC website. A shocking human tragedy.

Complex issues have no easy solutions.

Terrorism has a long history. During the three preceding decades, the British government was well aware of the the threat of the Provisional IRA. Despite that awareness and using the apparatus of the British and friendly security services there was a long list of incidents.
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