Issue with Some fixedtrack assets


New member
A bit puzzled if this should be a TRS19 related problem or in the Content Creators threads, however here goes.

I have been working on my own variant of Andi06's original gables and canopy splines to suit a 5m spacing...

I have noticed that since updating from 98952 through all paths to 100484 - The fixed assets that i created that were working in TRS19 98952, now no longer display the attachment points, vertices or tracks in place between the attachment points.

I created the original attachment points in PEV's attachment maker as Im creating the models in SKETCHUP 2018 and 2019 PRO and exporting with the RUBY TMX exporter. After looking at other Fixed Assets to gain the learning to modify my configs, all seemed to work fine, other than the snapping, however all of the spline / road / rail attachment points worked perfectly.

I now note that the fixedtrack lengths / curves create by Bekaember are now also having the same issue... the track is not showing with no attachment points to grab on to... however the two little marker arrows are displayed indicating that the attachment points in the IM file are being bought in and assigned to the attaching arrows?

I have utilised a similar config file without the specific scripting ANDI06 used in his excellent gables and roof template assets, all working previously in 98952... but not now... however the original ANDI06 / AJS assets still work fine displaying the tracks and snap points... I cheated and used Andi06's spline eraser and track eraser assets <KUID:122285:1002> and <KUID:122285:1003> respectively as ANDI06 did in his assets.

I have re-opened my assets for edit... confirmed that the version number is greater than 3.5 (using 3.7) and have resubmitted without Content Manager throwing any faults or errors, however the problem persists. I have also changed the KUIDs in two of the files to reflect the Updated KUID2's <KUID2:122285:1002:2> and <KUID2:122285:1003:2> without luck

I understand that both of these updated KUID's refer to the orignal KUID in the obsolete table with my understanding that any KUID in the obsolete table would be substituted with the updated variant. IE KUID:122285:1002 with KUID2:122285:1002:2

Any thoughts appreciated

Addendum.... Converted a couple of my assets from fixedtrack to buildable and the snappoints, spline vertices all appear straight up... Still not as fixed track... have included a preview mesh as suggested to ensure appearance and still nope...

Interesting finding... When placing an asset like Bekaembers fixed track onto the map, the track and snap/spline points do not appear... Only the little arrow markes at the end of the track where the snap points / joins are meant to be... You cannot move the item via the little arrows, as you cant grab onto the default mesh... however if you place a piece of fixed track and then rotate the fixedtrack at the point where you placed the track (in the middle of the length) the spline points appear along with the track. However if you save / exit and reload the FT is invisible again until you find the middle of a piece and complete a rotate.

Tried this on one of my fixed asset models and voila, the spline vertices and snap points / joints appear? As there is a visible mesh for this item, if you try to move the item as you can grab onto a mesh, the points still do not appear.... its as if the item needs to be rotated before the spline points and joins appear.

Interim solution... Try and rotate the fixedtrack assets with the snap points and joins so that they appear before placing and connecting with other fixed track assets. Long term... nice to see them appear when placed again
